博碩士論文 103454013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-Hao Chienen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的為探討觀光旅館用電效率,透過OLS模型及Panel Data模型建立用電效率評估模型,計算各觀光旅館合理用電量及修正後用電效率指標,提供予政府進行用電效率查核之參考,以及業者同業間用電效率比較工具,相較一般以單位面積用電量作為衡量指標,此方法可同時考量經濟發展、氣候因素及營業規模等變數。 本研究以臺灣2005至2014年(10年間)用電契約容量達800瓩以上之觀光旅館Panel Data為分析資料,樣本數總計500筆,樣本之平均用電量為882萬度、平均單位面積用電量225.69度/m2、平均營業收入新臺幣6.88億元、平均樓地板面積4萬3,460 m2、平均電價新臺幣2.52元/度、年平均氣溫23.57℃。 本研究分別以用電量及單位面積用電量為被解釋變數,並分別以OLS模型及Panel Data模型進行實證分析,實證結果:(一)營業收入、樓地板面積及平均氣溫效果為正,電價效果為負,皆具有顯著性。(二)電力彈性係數為0.3449,電力價格需求彈性為0.3507,且樓地板面積及營業收入對用電量具有規模經濟。(三)電價對於觀光旅館用電效率效果大且顯著,建議政府在節電措施推動上,將電價調整作為優先選項;員工密度效果為正且具顯著性,顯示妥善運用及管理人力亦可為改善能源效率的方法。(四)建議以營業收入、樓地板面積、電價及氣溫建立評估模型,用電量模型R-Square為0.846,若2014年各旅館達合理用電量,節電率可達7.88%;單位面積用電量模型R-Square為0.507,修正後單位面積用電量平均為196.35度/m2,若2014年各旅館達此指標,節電率可達14.33%。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to aim at the discussion of electricity efficiency in tourist hotel in Taiwan. Our model is to evaluate the reasonable electricity consumption and the normailized electricity efficiency index for the tourist hotel, which support the decision process to audit the energy uses as well as the peer review for electricity efficiency in the industry. Our model considers not only the average electricity consumption per unit area, but also the economic development, business scale, and climatic factors. The data collected from those tourist hotels that have the electricity use contract capacity more than 800 kW from 2005 to 2014 in Taiwan. The total number of observations is 500, which shows that the average electricity consumption is 8,820 kW, the average electricity consumption per unit area(EUI) is 225.69 kWh/ m2, the average revenue is NT $688 million dollars, the average floor area is 43,460 m2, the average electricity price is NT $ 2.52 dollars/ kWh, and the average annual temperature is 23.57 ℃. The study uses the total electricity consumption and the average electricity consumption per unit area as dependent variable respectively. Our estimation results are as follows: First, the hotel revenue, the area of floor and the average temperature have the positive effect on the electricity consumption. Second, the revenue elasticity of electricity is 0.3449, and the price elasticity of electricity is 0.3507 in tourist hotel industry. There is economies of scale for the electricity consumption on the floor area and hotel revenue. Third, the electricity price has the significant negative effect on the electricity consumption, which suggests that the government can regard it as the priority enrgy-saving measurement. Fourth, it can build the assensment model by using the hotel revenue, floor area, electricity price, and temperature as explanatory variables. Finally, the estimation found that the energy saving rate can be as high as 7.88% and 14.33% if all hotels match the reasonable electricity consumption or the normalized EUI in 2014.en_US
DC.subjectelectricity efficiencyen_US
DC.subjectenergy conservationen_US
DC.subjectenergy efficiencyen_US
DC.subjectefficiency assessmenten_US
DC.titleThe Assensment of Energy Efficiency for Tourist Hotel in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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