博碩士論文 103457003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chun Kuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract服務業的發展已成為國家發展是否先進的指標,我國政府的重視加上民間企業的配合,使旅客人數逐年增加,帶動住宿的需求量,造就各種型態住宿業的興建,同時也增加就業機會。面對競爭激烈的市場環境,業者調整經營策略多走向連鎖體系以增加競爭力;在連鎖類經營類型中以直營連鎖及管理合約的運作模式,集團能高度涉入且知識完整移轉,讓個體旅館能有效複製成功模式。本土經營者在選擇國際酒店集團策略合作時多青睞美系品牌。 人力資源管理對於勞力密集的觀光旅館業而言更能提升其競爭力。本研究透過文獻回顧的方式整理過去學者對連鎖經營、中美企業在人力資源管理相關理論做為基礎觀念,再以參與觀察法及個案比較法進行綜合分析。深度而非廣度探討研究對象,鎖定具中、美系管理代表性的個案旅館做為研究範圍。 管理實務上需考量外部文化環境的影響性。在文化脈絡比較下,體認不同國家文化造成企業在管理實務上的差異,又綜合各學者對人力資源措施分類即從最初人力需求的招募甄選、訓練發展、績效評估、薪資福利規劃及員工關係五大構面,以進行歸納整理中、美人力資源管理制度之比較如表2-3,並用以驗証比較中式及美式管理的個案飯店之相關人力資源實務現象。經比較分析兩家個案飯店後,發現僅在〝訓練發展〞構面上與以往整理出之中、美人力資源管理措施差異項目大部份是類似的外,其它人力資源管理的四大構面有差異。 瞭解比較中、美系連鎖旅館之人力資源各項措施後,為了能擁有相較其它同業的勞動競爭力,飯店必須在人力資源管理各項措施做出差異性,透過實務與文獻分析的驗證予以管理活動建議,期能提供其它本土企業在國際化過程中的參考及擬定未來管理活動依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDevelopment of service industry has become a key indicator to the advanced development of a country. An increasing number of tourists as a result of government′ s great attention and collaboration from the private enterprises, which has driven the demand for accommodation, giving rise to a variety of accommodation types and creating employment opportunities. Faced with a highly competitive market environment, the industry adjusts its business strategy and transformed into chain system to increase its competitiveness; the chain operation mainly adopts the mode of regular chain and management contract in which the Group is highly involved and the knowledge could be completely transferred, enabling the individual hotels to replicate its successful management mode. The local hoteliers prefer American hotel brands while seeking strategic cooperation with international hotel groups. This study, with the opinion that human resource management (HRM) could better promote the competitiveness for this labor-intensive tourist hotel industry, collected the relevant HRM theories proposed by previous researchers of the chain management in Sino-American corporations via literature review to serve as the basic concept of this study and conducted comprehensive analysis through participant observation method and case comparison. It explored the study object deeply rather than extensively by focusing on the typical individual hotels under Sino-American management. External cultural environments are taken into account for the management practices. Thus, the study probed into the difference in management practices between different cultures by comparison of cultural context while collected and summarized the classification of HR measures regarding their five dimensions (recruitment, training and development, performance evaluation, compensation and welfare, employee relationship) by various scholars and made a comparison of the HRM system of China and America (as shown in Table 2-3). Then it explored the relevant HR practices of individual hotels under the management of China and America through verification method. The comparative analysis results of two individual hotels indicate that the HR measures taken in the aspect of “training and development” are quite similar between Chinese and American hotel management while the other four dimensions show great difference. Therefore, hotels must make differences in their HRM measures to obtain higher labor competitiveness than their peers. The study offered some management suggestions through practical and document analysis to be served as future reference for the proposal of management activities during the internationalization of other local enterprises.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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