博碩士論文 103458016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Chih Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1997年全球金融海嘯及之後歐債危機,國際經濟不確定因數增多,金融業(金控、銀行、證券等)無不面臨極大挑戰。另隨著兩岸貿易日趨頻繁及兩岸金融逐漸開放,雙方自簽屬「金融監理合作備忘錄」及「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA)後,兩岸金融業揭開實質合作的序幕。政府自2001年12月公布實施金融控股公司法以來,截至2015年底國內共有16家金融控股公司,合併資產總額達45.5兆元,合併股東權益總額達3.1兆元,在金融產業佔核心的主導地位。 二次金改失敗後,國內金融控股公司併購活動沈寂了一段時間,近年來面對國內外競爭環境,無不積極尋求併購機會,以提升金控國內市佔率及國際競爭力。 本研究主要探討中華開發金融控股公司最近一次的併購萬泰商業銀行個案,期深入了解合併過程,並以資本適足性、資產品質、管理能力、獲利能力、及流動性分析併購後的成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 1997, the global financial crisis and afterwards, the European debt crisis, the international economic uncertainty factor increased, most of financial institutions (financial holding companies, banking, securities, etc.) are all facing great challenges. Also, by more and more increasing trades with China and opening gradually the financial policies with China, the financial cooperations with each other have kicked off in real terms since ECFA signed in 2009. Since our government announced in December 2001 the implementation of the Financial Holding Company Law, by the end of 2015, there were totally 16 domestic financial holding companies - the total combined assets amounted to 45.5 trillion, and the total consolidated shareholders equity amounted to 3.1 trillion, occupying a core and dominant position in the financial industry of Taiwan . After the failure of the second financial reform, the merger and acquisition activities of domestic financial holding companies have become fewer and fewer for a period of time. In the recent years, due to facing not only domestic but foreign competitions, there’s no way but actively seeking acquisition opportunities to increase domestic market share and enhance international competitions. This study focused on the Merger and Acquisition of China Development Financial Holding Company and Cosmos Bank recently in view of the understanding of the consolidation process, and analyzing the M&A effect by measuring five indexes - capital adequacy, asset quality, management abilities, profitability, and liquidity.en_US
DC.title台 灣 金 融 業 併 購 之 成 效 分 析 – 以 開 發 金 併 購 萬 泰 銀 行 為 例zh_TW
DC.titleThe Analysis of Effect about Merger and Acquisition in the Financial Industry in Taiwan - Case Study on Merger and Acquisition of China Development Financial Holding Corporation and Cosmos Banken_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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