博碩士論文 103524016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChung-Hao Chanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球化時代下,科技輔助教育的普及與應用,隨著教材應用以及同儕之間學習過程的互動,彼此之間的溝通模式也存在多樣化,藉此拉近人與人之間的距離,現今第二語言習得的重要性日漸劇增,在台灣英語教育從國小三年級就開始扎根,而在學習者學習的過程中,較多研究著重於外語學習環境對於學習者的影響,但較少探討同儕之間合作能力的影響,因此,本研究想要探討國小學生透過同儕自評與互評導入Web 2.0英語合作學習環境,了解學生是否能夠提升彼此合作意識,學習如何與同儕合作,藉以改善合作的狀況,以及探討學生對於英語學習任務的投入與動機的影響。 參與者來自台灣某國小,21位三年級以英語為第二外語的學生,進行約7個月的創作英語繪本的合作學習活動,研究設計包含實驗組與控制組,在差異分析的結果發現,學生在導入同儕自評與互評的活動後,學生在合作學習的初始階段,自我評價與組員評價分數較低,表示學生的合作狀況不佳,但隨著長時間活動,學生的合作意識漸漸的提升,發現透過此活動能夠有效改善學生的合作狀況,並使學生學習到如何與同儕合作,而在學習投入的初始階段,會因同儕給予的意見而有下降的趨勢,但隨著合作意識的提升,學生的心流狀態會穩定的復甦,而在學習動機的結果中發現,學生導入同儕自評與互評的情況下,除了合作意識提升並改善合作狀況,在學生學習投入會隨著長時間活動有上升的趨勢,並會影響學習者的內在、外在動機、工作價值等學習動機。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe era of globalization, technology support education is universal. With materials applied between peer learning interactions, there have most diversify communication mode in each other, so as to shorten the distance between people and people, in this age the significance of second language acquisition has been increased. In Taiwan, students started to learn English in school since they were in the third grade, and the most of research were focus on the effect of foreign language learning environment, but less research focus on the learning collaborate ability in learning process. Therefore, this study wants to explore the elementary school students through self and peer assessment into the web 2.0 English collaborative learning environment, to realize the students collaborate awareness, learning how to collaborate with peer, thereby improving the collaborative status, and this research also explore the effect of Flow and the motivation in English learning task. The participants from Taiwan 21 elementary school third grade, English as a second language students, for almost 7 months learning activity. This research has content experiment group and control group. The analysis between two group find that the beginning of student’s collaborative assessment was not well after applying the self and peer assessment activity, but with the long-term activity, the student’s collaborative status was improved and the assessment gradually increase, indicate that self and peer assessment can assist student’s collaborative awareness increase to improve the collaborative status. The research find that student’s Flow states was affected in the initial stage after applying the self and peer assessment, and with the long-term activity, the student’s Flow states was stable recovery. And find the Student’s Motivation was affected after applying the self and peer assessment, the Intrinsic goal orientation, Extrinsic goal orientation and Task value part of motivation were not distinct variety, indicate that the student’s motivation in learning process must be consider after applying self and peer assessment in the Web 2.0 English collaborative learning environment.en_US
DC.subjectWeb 2.0zh_TW
DC.subjectWeb 2.0en_US
DC.subjectcollaborative learningen_US
DC.subjectself and peer assessmenten_US
DC.subjectlearning motivationen_US
DC.title合作表現自互評對於Web 2.0活動投入之影響zh_TW
DC.titleThe impact of peer and self assessment of peer collaboration in Web 2.0 learning activitiesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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