博碩士論文 103724009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Yao Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract居住是人類平凡的基本需求,但近年來房價高漲,青年想在我國「住者有其屋」卻是奢侈的需求。本研究假設社會住宅區位選址會影響到社會住宅的供給,而社會住宅的供給會影響青年居住困境之補償的政策目的實現。因此若要以推行社會住宅政策來有效地達成居住正義,本研究認為選址階段的決策探討是有必要的。由於臺北市是我國買房租屋最困難的區域,而且臺北市公共住宅的定義符合住宅法中社會住宅,因此本研究將以臺北市公共住宅為研究對象。本研究預計從政策實務中以實地訪查的方式去歸納臺北市公共住宅區位選址的策略,以臺北市政府擬定的官方區位選址指標,以及文獻所歸納的理性區位指標來檢驗臺北市公共住宅的實際場址,分析其中落差,並以訪談房仲的研究方法,使研究更加客觀。 若臺北市公共住宅政策要能夠較為適切的回應需求,本研究認為需要重視以下指標:1.區位選址的地點在臺北市內2.交通方便性高3.社區附近的就醫資源(含診所與醫院)4.社區附近的就學資源(幼兒園、國小、國中)4.社區附近是否方便購物(傳統市場、超級市場、便利超商、餐飲商店)5.公共住宅租金的可負擔性6.其他:公共設施及鄰避設施。本研究將以以上指標用來評估臺北市政府目前已確定選址的(部分已經完工,部分正要興建)公共住宅基地,分別是:臺北市公共住宅的捷運聯合開發住宅四處(龍山寺站、港墘站、臺北橋站、小碧潭站),文山區興隆公共住宅一區、文山區興隆公共住宅二區、松山區健康公共住宅、萬華區青年公共住宅、南港區東明公共住宅,一共九處。 本研究發現,臺北市公共住宅第一部曲捷運聯合開發宅地處交通、生活機能良好的都會區中,且臺北市公共住宅政策的租金制度為了管理使用者的行為,而設計的租金制度,的確是個減少鄰避效應的理想途徑,只不過租金太高,需求者無力負擔,因此政策成效不佳。另一個發現,臺北市公共住宅的選址策略,像文山區興隆公共住宅、南港區東明公共住宅,都是過去國民住宅、平價住宅的原址重建,這樣的選址是較能快速提出成果的選址方式,比較不會出現社區反彈的情形。第二個發現是交通便利性的選址策略,臺北市政府為避免地價成本導致租金昂貴,因此選址策略採以先將公共住宅蓋在沒有捷運的地點,之後再改善當地的交通狀況。第三個發現是臺北市公共住宅的選址地點,除了中正區與大安區以外,其他行政區皆有公共住宅的設置,而且都是在台北市內,這樣的好處是可以讓在各個行政區上班、上學的住宅需求者都可以就近就學、就業,降低通勤費用。從都市治理的角度來觀察,將公共住宅興建於臺北市區內,勞工能夠就近就業,這樣將有助於提升都市生產力。第四個發現是公共住宅的選址地點周遭生活機能都還在可以滿足生活需求的水準,就醫、就學、托幼、購物都是方便的,且目前的選址地點皆符合臺北市政府設定的官方選址指標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLiving is a basic human need, but housing prices raised a lot in recent years, it is a luxury demand for young people to have a home ownership in Taiwan. This study assumes that the site selection of social housing will affect the supply of social housing, and the supply of social housing will affect the dilemma of youth compensation policy objectives to achieve. If the government wants to implement social housing policy to effectively achieve a living justice, this study considers that it is necessary to discuss the decision-making at the site selection stage. Taipei city is the most difficult area to buy or rent house in Taiwan, and the definition of public housing in Taipei is the same as the definition of social housing in residential law, so this study will take public housing in Taipei as the research object. This study is expected to summarize the strategy of Taipei′s public housing site selection from the policy practice by means of field visits.And analyze the difference between the actual location and the official location indicators? If the public housing policy in Taipei to be more appropriate response to demand, this study considers that the following indicators need to be taken into account: public housing must be located in the city of Taipei;traffic settings must be convenient in public housing communities;Hospitals and clinics are adequate in the community;the educational resources in the community are adequate;it is convenient for shopping in the community;the rental cost of public housing is affordable;public construction is sufficient and there are no NIMBY facilities in the community. This study will use the above indicators to assess the location of the Taipei city government has been selected. Include the following locations: Longshan Temple Station, Gangqian Station, Taipei Bridge Station, Xiaobitan Station MRT joint residential development, the first and second area of Xinglong public housing in Wenshan District, Jiankang public housing in Songshan District, in Qingnian public housing in Wanhua District, Dongming public housing in Nangang District, there are nine locations totally. This study has the following findings :the first step of public housing in Taipei City is the development of MRT in the metropolitan area where traffic and life functions well. Taipei MRT joint development of residential, which location is in the metropolitan area. The transport facilities in those locations are convenient, and the life function is good. Rent setting strategy for Public Housing Policy in Taipei in order to manage the behavior of the renters, is an ideal way to reduce the NIMBY effect. But the rent is too high, people who need the house can not afford, so the policy is ineffective. Another finding is the location strategy of public housing in Taipei City Government, Such as Xinglong public housing in Wenshan District and Dongming public housing in Nangang District are the reconstruction of national public housing and Low-Cost housing. This site selection strategy can quickly select the site, and reduce the community residents rebound. The second location strategy is the discovery of traffic planning arrangements, in order to avoid the high cost of land prices lead to high rents, the Taipei city government choose to build public housing in the absence of the location of the MRT, and then improve the local traffic arrangements. The third finding is the location of public housing in Taipei City, in addition to the Daan and Zhongzheng District area, other administrative districts have public housing settings. This site selection strategy has the advantage of allowing residents to live ‎close to the school, work place. It can reduce the cost of commuting. From the perspective of urban governance to observe, it will help boost urban productivity. The fourth finding is that the public housing community′s life function is good, which can meet the standard of living needs. It is convenient if you need medical treatment, education, child care and shopping in public housing communities.And the location of the current site are in line with the official site selection indicators .en_US
DC.subjectSocial Housingen_US
DC.subjectPublic Housing in Taipei City,en_US
DC.subjectIndicators for Site Selectionen_US
DC.title論社會住宅區位之選址指標分析 -以臺北市公共住宅政策為例zh_TW
DC.titleAn Exploration of Indicators for Site Selection of Social Housing - Taking Public Housing Policy in Taipei as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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