博碩士論文 103724012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSi-Qiao Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討族群政策影響評估的建構。首先,分析當代政策評估的相關理論源起與政策評估的操作工具;其次探討當代民主先進國家中,加拿大與澳洲在族群政策的施政方向;最後從多元文化主義探討族群政策的意涵,並從族群主流化的精神來分析如何建構族群政策影響評估,包括建構族群政策影響評估的緣由與方式、建構族群政策影響評估的目的。   本研究採用文獻分析法、焦點團體訪談法與深度訪談法的研究方法蒐集研究資料,與研究對象-對於族群事務,包括政策、語言、教育、歷史等不同面向進行研究的專家學者,以及原住民立法委員進行半結構式訪談。本研究將建構族群政策影響評估的研究方向分為三個階段,先探討建構族群政策影響評估的緣由,接著分析建構族群政策影響評估的方式,最後分析建構族群政策影響評估能達到何種目的。   透過既有的文獻與實證訪談所獲得的研究資料,本研究將訪談資料彙整後提出研究發現,研究發現分為:族群政策影響評估對於族群的分類與適用對象、族群政策影響評估分析架構的指標應如何選擇、族群政策影響評估的功能。並針對族群事務的現況、族群政策未來發展、相關法律的訂定提出研究建議。另外本研究也提出研究限制與未來可能的研究發展方向,期望透過本研究來作為後續相關研究的基礎。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract This study aims to investigates the establishment of Ethnic Policy Impact Assessment. Firstly, there is an analysis on modern policy evaluation and its operating tools. Secondly, it discusses the course of development of ethnic policy in modern democratic countries, focusing on Canada and Australia. Finally, it looks at the significance of ethnic policy from the perspective of multiculturalism. It also adopts the concept of mainstreaming to investigate the formation of ethnic policy assessment, taking into consideration the origin of such assessment and its method as well as purposes.   For the purpose of data collection, this study adopts the methods of document analysis, focusing group interviews and in-depth interviews, as well as interviewing the experts engaged in ethnic matters that are in the fields of policy, linguistics, education and history. There are also semi-structured interviews with aboriginal legislators. This study discusses the establishment of ethnic policy impact assessment in three stages. Firstly it investigates the origin of such assessment. Secondly, it analyzes methods such assessment adopts. Finally, it discusses the purposes of such assessment.   By means of existing literature and study data obtained from interviews, this study proposes its findings as follows: the subjects and categories to which the ethnic policy impact assessment is applicable, ways of determining the index for the analytical framework of such assessment, and the functions of such assessment. This study also proposes recommendations regarding current ethnic affairs, the future development of ethnic policy, and the making of related laws. Furthermore, this study also points out the limits of the research and discusses possible research directions in the future, in the hope that this study will provide support to future research in related fields.en_US
DC.subjectethnic policyen_US
DC.subjectpolicy assessmenten_US
DC.subjectimpact assessmenten_US
DC.subjectindex for ethnic development assessmenten_US
DC.titleEthnic Policy and Impact Assessment under Multiculturalism:Establishing an Analytical Framework for Ethnic Policy Impact Assessmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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