博碩士論文 103727002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLin, Jui- Yingen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract研究旨在探討休閒農業區之發展過程,黃金小鎮由國道1號高速公路接台6線省道公路可抵達,交通極為便利,2004年之前民眾欲往泰安、大湖等觀光風景區,則必須經由台6線,黃金小鎮因位於台6線旁,沿線皆有著名的田園景緻及農特產品,車水馬龍路過的人潮絡繹不絕。可惜好景不常,2005年72線通車後,遊客往往經後龍直達汶水,路過的人潮銳減,黃金小鎮面臨市場萎縮的困境,地方產業轉型是當務之急。於2009年經行政院農業委員會正式公告劃定為黃金小鎮休閒農業區,由過路型旅遊目的地,轉型為休閒渡假型之旅遊目的地。 本研究採行「文獻分析法」「深度訪談法」「參與觀察法」三種研究方法,從局內人的角度行動參與者的身分田野調查直接觀察蒐集資料,透過實地參與苗栗縣公館鄉黃金小鎮休閒農業區農遊體驗活動,無毒栽種法、產銷履歷認證、健康管理等達到精緻農業友善環境為主軸。並藉由公部門、私部門、第三部門找尋發展休閒農業關係人進行深度訪談檢視農村發展經營策略,希冀研究成果之呈現以供政府單位發展客家休閒農業區之參照,以及對國內觀光休閒產業帶來的關鍵影響與未來發展方向之提供。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract This case study aims at exploring the development of the recreational agricultural industry in Golden Village. Before 2004, Golden Village used to be a very popular choice of visitors, not only for its beautiful scenery and wide variety of agricultural products, but also it being located just by the National Highway No. 1 and Provincial Highway 6, the main route for visitors also going to other famous tourist attractions like Tai’an and Dahu. However, unfortunately, after the opening of Provincial Highway 72 in 2005, the number of visitors dropped significantly as they can go from Houlong straight to Wenshui without passing by Golden Village. To ease of the stress from a shrunk tourism market, transformations of local industries became the top priority for Golden Village. In 2009, Golden Village was designated as a recreational agricultural area by the Council of Agricultural. It turned into a “vacation destination” from a “passing by travel destination”. Three research strategies were utilized in this case study: literature analysis, interviews, and participation and observations. The author acted as an insider and participant of Miaoli recreation farm activities to conduct a field study and direct observation to collect data. The focus of the research lies on the examination of the development of an agricultural friendly environment through organic farming, traceability certification and agricultural products health management. Additionally, through in-depth interviews with stakeholders from private sectors, public sectors and other third parties, it is hoped that this case study could provide the government with an example of Hakka agricultural recreation area and bring a positive impact to the progression of other domestic agricultural recreation areas.en_US
DC.subjectHakka Agricultural Recreationen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Strategyen_US
DC.subjectGolden Villageen_US
DC.subjectAgricultural tourism experienceen_US
DC.titleA Case Study of the Business Strategies of Hakka Agricultural Recreation Industry─Using Colden Village in Miaoli as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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