博碩士論文 103729004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYou-Jhen Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自西元 2012 年客家文化重點發展區進入原住民族行政區,兩種政策競合地 區逐漸延伸出許多問題,在山地鄉裡,政府規定必須由原住民擔任鄉長,給予原 住民族適合的治理方式,但也因此對當地其他族群有所影響。苗栗縣泰安鄉的客 家族群與原住民族群之間人數較為懸殊,且泰安鄉北五村為原住民族群及客家族 群混合居住最密集的地方,政策制訂與推動對其族群關係之影響甚鉅。 本研究共採用「文獻分析法」、「社會網絡分析法」以及「深度訪談法」三種 研究方法,對泰安鄉北五村中利害關係人,包含公部門、私部門與第三部門,進 行組織互動網絡分析、議題網絡分析與深度訪談,得以對不同組織與不同族群, 能有更深層的瞭解與剖析。在相關文獻理論建構的方面,針對「族群關係」、「多 元文化」與「政策網絡」等關鍵字,收集與此相關的研究文獻,進而將資料加以 整合、歸納與析探。而從研究發現中,得之苗栗縣泰安鄉北五村族群之政策網絡 鬆散、族群生活關係緊密以及擁有豐富的多元文化。最後,本研究提出之研究建 議為積極推動客家文化重點發展區的政策與原住民族群與客家族群之間應資源 共享,希冀對政府發展族群相關政策之制定與推行有所助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince 2012, the idea of promoting Hakka culture in the regions of indigenous people has been implemented. The policies for Hakka and indigenous people culture have brought many problems. In the regions of indigenous peoples, the government allows them to elect indigenous people to be township mayors so that it is easier for township mayors to get along with and deal with the majority of indigenous residents. However, it causes somehow impact on other ethnics. For example, the number of population of Hakka and indigenous people in Tai’ an Township, Miaoli County, where is the high mix of these two ethnics, is unbalanced. Thus, making and promoting policies will have a big influence on their relations. This study applies "Document analysis", "Social Network Analysis" and "in-depth interview". For instance, interested parties in Tai’ an Township, five villages north including the Public sector, Private sector and Third Sector is used "Organizational interaction network analysis" and In-depth interview to analyze it. From the research, people can have deeper understanding and detail analysis between different organization and ethnics. As for the theory in the related references, it is essential to collect and analyze the past studies referred to the key words, Ethnic Relations, Multiculturalism and Policy Network. According to those studies, the policies for the ethnics in Tai’ an Township in Miaoli County, five villages north has Loose network, close relation in life and multi-culture. This study is suggested the policies of promoting Hakka culture be more active. Furthermore, Hakka and aboriginal people should share resources. This study may be helpful for the government to make and promote the policies related to the ethnic development.en_US
DC.title客家山原複合行政區政策對族群關係 之影響-以苗栗縣泰安鄉北五村為例zh_TW
DC.titleInfluence of Hakka and Indigenous people complex administrative policy on Ethnic Relations – A Case Study of Tai′ an Township, five Villages north, Maori County.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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