博碩士論文 103757002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsing-Fei Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 萬載位於江西省西北邊,境內的萬載方言屬於贛方言。明、清時期,有大批的客家人從廣東、福建經贛南陸續遷徙進入萬載,居住範圍多以邊遠山區為主,因此客家話在當地與贛語共時並存。除了這兩個主要方言之外,江西境內還有其他方言,如吳方言、徽州方言、江西官話方言及方言島等,方言類型豐富、多樣且各具特色。本文的研究標的為萬載客家話,論文撰寫材料是研究者親自田調完成語料採集和紀錄,探討萬載客家話在江西方言間歷經時間與空間的轉化後所產生的語音演變,而這些變化即成為今萬載客家話不同於多數客家話的獨特之處。 本文主要分為六個章節。第一章為緒論,主要說明研究的動機與目的、運用研究方法、步驟,查閱相關文獻及說明萬載縣的史地概況,以及株潭鄉、潭埠鎮兩個方言點語音現況、發音人簡介等。第二章為萬載客家話平面語音系統說明,介紹株潭鄉客家話的聲、韻、調及連讀變調、文白異讀特色等。第三章將萬載客家話與中古韻攝進行比較,從中來觀察萬載客家話的語音演變路徑。第四章是從聲、韻、調及連讀變調等特點進行分析討論,透過跨韻攝比較歸納,整理出萬載客家話的特點,發現知三章組讀舌尖後塞音 -、為創新、後起的音變現象。在輔音韻尾,入聲韻與陽聲韻呈現了不平行的發展情況。聲調方面,萬載客家話在陰平調出現送氣分調的情形。第五章介紹萬載客家話的詞彙及詞彙特點,藉由與廣東的原鄉及江西境內數個客方言點之詞彙進行比較後,發現萬載客家話目前尚保存有客方言北片特徵詞,部分保有少數古楚語詞(古方言詞) 及百越借詞,由於萬載位處贛方言環境下,部分詞彙也已出現了將贛方言借入的情形。第六章為結論,分為研究成果與檢討,就本文研究結果歸納出萬載客家話語音特點及詞彙特色,另針對本文不足之處提出檢討與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Abstract Wan Zai is located in northwest of Jiangxi Province and Wan Zai dialect in the region is part of Gan dialect. During the period of Ming and Ching Dynasties, great number of the Hakka people successively immigrated from Guangdong and Fujian, through Gannan, to Wan Zai. They mostly lived in the remote mountain areas. Therefore, Hakka coexisted with Gan dialect in the region. Besides the two major dialects, in Jiangxi, there are other dialects, such as Wu dialect, Huizou dialect, Jiangxi official dialect, dialect island, etc. Type of dialect is various and characteristic. Target of this study is Wan Zai Hakka. The writing material of the study is based on the researcher’s field study of dialect collection and recording to explore the sound evolution of Wan Zai Hakka in Jiangxi dialect after the change of time and place. The change becomes the unique characteristic of Wan Zai Hakka, different from most of Hakka language nowadays. This study includes 6 chapters. Chapter 1 is introduction. It states research motives, purposes, research methods, steps, related literatures, introduction of history of Wan Zai County, current situation of speech of two dialect points in Zhutan township and Tanbu township and introduction of speaker. Chapter 2 is description of written voice system of Wan Zai Hakka and it introduces sound, rhyme, intonation, tone sandhi and literary and colloquial readings of the Hakka in Zhutan township. In Chapter 3, Wan Zai Hakka and ancient rhyme are compared to observe voice evolution of Wan Zai Hakka. In Chapter 4, the researcher analyzes and discusses sound, rhyme, intonation and tone sandhi. By comparing the rhymes, this study reorganizes characteristics of Wan Zai Hakka and realizes that plug sound of the tip of the tongue of Zhi San Chang Zu is- and  is innovative and developed inflection. At the back of phonology, development of entering rhyme and Yinsheng rhyme is not parallel. As to tone, Wan Zai Hakka shows tone splits conditioned by air in Yinping tone. In Chapter 5, vocabulary of Wan Zai Hakka and characteristics of vocabulary are introduced. By comparing it with the vocabulary of primitive town of Guangdong and several Hakka dialect points in Jiangxi, the researcher realizes that Wan Zai Hakka currently preserves Bei Pian feature set of Hakka dialect. Some preserve ancient Chu vocabulary (ancient dialect words) and Bai Yue borrowing words. Since Wan Zai is in the environment of Gan dialect, some vocabulary reveals the borrowing of Gan dialect. Chapter 6 is the conclusion and it includes research finding and review. Based on research findings, the researcher generalizes voice characteristics of Wan Zai Hakka and vocabulary features and in addition, the researcher proposes the suggestions regarding the limitation of this study.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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