博碩士論文 103757017 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract政府體認並且具體回應客家族群集體對於文化傳承的焦慮與殷切期盼,在中央及地方各級政府之中設置客家行政機關,桃園市政府自2011年成立客家事務局以來,將許多過去被認為是政府應做的業務與服務,透過公私協力合作關係契約委外。本文是以代理人理論為研究基礎,研究目的是探討客家地方行政機關契約委外成效,以具有文化指標的桃園市客家桐花祭作為研究個案,從委託方(政府機關)、代理方(承包廠商)、參與方(參與民眾)三方不同的角度切入,並以經濟、效率、品質與效能六大構面作為分析,衡量是否達成提升客家族群文化發展的預期目標。   研究發現:政府考量政治利益排擠地方社團的補助經費、活動偏重硬體驗收、民眾滿意度調查流於形式、政府與廠商互動的限制、前來參加民眾期待政府能釋出更多公共參與的管道並以傳承客家文化作為活動的核心價值。   本研究結論,建議政府應實踐公民參與深耕文化內涵;加強承辦客家業務公務人員的職能培訓;採購機制之內聘委員選任應以專業為原則;建立青年志願服務回饋機制;委託第三方客觀公正進行顧客滿意度調查;採焦點團體路徑進行成效評估:簡化行政流程以及培育社團人才。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Study of the Contracting Out Effectiveness of the Local Hakka Agency in Taiwan: The Case of the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival in Taoyuan City. Abstract The Taiwan government recognizes and concretely responds to the anxiety and expectation of cultural heritage from Hakka. So it sets Hakka affairs department in the central and local government. Since Taoyuan city government found department of Hakka affairs in 2011, it has accomplished many affairs and services by public-private partnership which was considered to be done by the government itself in the pass. The research purpose of the study is reviewing the effectiveness of the local Hakka administrative agency based on the case study of the Taoyuan Hakka Tung blossom festival which has cultural significance. The research investigates from three different perspectives: client (government), agent (contractor) and participants (public participation) and analyzes with six dimensions: economy, efficiency, quality and efficacy, etc to measure whether it achieve the expected goal of improving Hakka cultural development. The study showed that government bashes subsidies for local clubs due to political benefit. The acceptance of work lays emphasis on hardware. Customer satisfaction survey is just a formality. Interactions between government and firms are restricted. People who participant activities hope government can provide more ways for public participation and focus on how to inherit the Hakka cultural as the core value. The results recommended that government should practice citizen participation and richly cultivate local cultures. On-the-job training for civil servant who is in charge of Hakka affairs should be strengthened. The committee member arranged for purchasing process should consider people with professional knowledge as top priority. Government should set up the feedback mechanism for youth volunteering. Customer satisfaction survey should be conducted justly by third party. Evaluation should be implemented with focus group method: simplify administrating process and cultivate club talent. Keywords: Contracting Out, Hakka Tung Blossom Festival, Agency theoryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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