博碩士論文 104125011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 1957 年6 月8 日,中共中央發起的反右派運動,倚中共建國後的重大政治運動之一,其牽連人數據官方統計達552,877 人,可見其規模之大。此一運動最初是源自「雙百方針」以及「長期共存、互相監督」的政策提出,讓中國的學術界以及政治界出現過去所沒有的自由風氣。與此同時,中共的腐化風氣已經成為棘手的問題,在中共召開的八大,更是將主觀主義、宗派主義以及官僚主義視為「三害」,中共中央改善黨內風氣的做法就是藉由對黨進行「整風運動」革除黨內的不良風氣,為了使整風運動發揮其效果,中共便期望藉由黨外民主人士的加入,使整風運動的進行得更為徹底,於是就在中共中央的邀請下,黨外民主人士也就加入整風運動的行列。 在黨外民主人士加入整風運動後,共產黨遭到各種批評,毛澤東以及中共中央最初是容許這些批評。但是,隨著批評的程度日漸激烈,毛澤東遂起草〈事情正在起變化〉,提醒民主黨派以及黨外民主人士的言行。但民主黨派以及黨外民主人士仍然提出極具刺激性的言論,例如羅隆基的平反委員會、黃心平的輪流執政等論述等。最終使毛澤東決定對民主黨派以及黨外民主人士進行反擊,於是,反右派運動就這樣展開了。 中共中央發起反右派運動後,除了訂定右派分子的劃分標準以及處分方式等法規外,反右派運動的結果亦造成中國知識分子在政權中遭到邊緣化。此外,毛澤東所提出的「勞動教養」也成為右派分子心中的陰影以及痛楚。最後,毛澤東在1959 年有提出對右派分子摘除帽子的建議,但即使摘除帽子,這些右派分子在往後的政治運動中仍然受到衝擊,並沒有因為摘除帽子而能倖免。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract June 8, 1957. The anti-rightist campaign launched by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is indeed one of China′s major political movements. Its implicated person data official statistics of more than 550,000 people, movement scale. This campaign was originally derived from the " shuang bai fang zhen " (雙百方針)and "long-term coexistence and mutual supervision"(長期共存、互相監督) policy. So that China′s academia and the political community in the past there is no freedom, harmony. At the same time, the CCP corruption has become a difficult problem, The Eighth National Congress(八大) held by the CCP is to regard subjectivism(主觀主義), sectarianism(宗派主義) and bureaucracy (官僚主義) as "three evils". The practice of the CCP Central Committee to improve the inner-party spirit is to take the "rectification campaign" to the party to eliminate the bad atmosphere within the party. In order to make the rectification campaign to play its effect, the CCP would expect to join by the non-party democrats. So that the rectification campaign carried out more thoroughly, so in the invitation of the CCP Central Committee, the people outside the party will join the ranks of the rectification campaign. The CCP also received various criticisms after the non-party democrats joined the rectification campaign. Mao Zedong(毛澤東) and the Central Committee of the CCP initially allowed these criticisms. However, with the increasing degree of criticism, Mao Zedong then drafted "Things are changing", to remind the democratic parties and democrats and democrats outside the words and deeds. But the democratic parties(民主黨派) and non-party democrats (黨外人士) are still making very stimulating remarks, such as the rumbling corps of the Luo Longji(羅隆基), Huang Xinping(黃心平) turns in power and other discussions. And ultimately to Mao Zedong decided to democratic parties and non-party democrats to fight back, so the anti-rightist campaign so started. After the Anti-Rightist Campaign launched by the Central Committee of the CCP, the anti-rightist campaign has also led to the marginalization of Chinese intellectuals in political power, in addition to the criteria for the division of rightists and the way of punishment. In addition, Mao Zedong′s "reeducation through labor"(勞動教養) has become the shadow of the rightists and the pain. In the end, Mao Zedong proposed in 1959 the removal of the hatred of the rightists, but even if the hat was removed, these rightists were still hit in the subsequent political movement and did not return to the quiet life because of the removal of the hat.en_US
DC.subjectAnti-Rightist Campaignen_US
DC.subjectMao Zedongen_US
DC.subjectThe Eighth National Congressen_US
DC.subjectshuang bai fang zhenen_US
DC.titleThe Research on the Anti-Rightist Campaignen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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