博碩士論文 104127003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShao-Wei Fuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究探討台灣中學地理教師在面對新課綱的課程變化時,如何進行素養教學和面對甚麼挑戰,研究目的為了解地理老師在面對素養教學時面臨的困境,如何面對並找出符合素養導向地理教學的方法。   基於上述目的產生的研究問題有三:一、型塑地理教師教學的因素為何?二、符合地理素養教學的要素為何?三、哪些因素導致地理教師難以推動素養教學?研究者採用質性個案研究回答上述問題,並使用「立意取樣」挑選三位台灣公立中學的地理老師作為研究目標,蒐集資料含:觀課田野筆記、深度訪談、授課教案、電子簡報檔和教學講義。資料分析以開放編碼方式進行,藉此來了解資料所呈現的研究結果和主題。   研究結果顯示:一、型塑地理教師教學的因素包含:教師的教學信念(belief on learning)、受考試限制的課程進度和授課時間限制、學生成績與學習表現、家長對學習的觀點;二、符合地理素養教學的要素包含:(1)教師的教學信念為:讓學生將知識學以致用;(2)教師的教學以探究為目標,運用討論來增進同儕互相搭建鷹架;(3)教師與學生角色的改變:學生是地理知識的探究者而非被動吸收地理知識,教師成為學習的引導者;(4)透過教師社群支持素養教學專業能力的發展;三、導致地理教師難以推動素養教學的因素包含:(1)缺乏校內或校外的教師社群支持來發展素養教學相關課程與教學專業能力;(2)重視考試成績的學習文化;(3)繁瑣的教務、課務工作讓教師缺乏時間進行素養教學的專業發展。   本研究可協助現場教師、教學研究者、學校行政人員和政策制定者 了解教學現場教師們面對素養導向教學產生的問題,並提供順利執行素養導向地理教學的方法。   由於本研究僅選擇三位教師來深入探討素養導向地理教學,所以本研究無法含括地理教師面臨所有的問題,以及其它可順利執行素養教學的方法。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research investigated how three senior high school Geography teachers tackled the issues and challenges of teaching literacy-based Geography in Taiwan. Literacy-based Learning was a national curricuar innovation (also known as the 108 Curricula) implemented by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan in August 2019. It aimed at empowering each child for lifelong learning. With the new curricula, Geography teachers were required to teach how geographers think and do as opposed to content mastery. Although the 108 Curricula suited 21st century global challenges, it was a major hurdle for most Geography teachers. I asked three research questions to guide my research regarding how senior high school Geography teachers cope with the demands and challenges from the 108 Curricula. First, what are the factors that shape the teaching of Geography in senior high schools? Second, how are literacy-based Geography taught by an experienced and dedicated Geography teacher and what are the key factors contributing to literacy-based Geography in her classrooms? Third, what are the factors contributing to the challenges and difficulties of teaching literacy-based Geography? Using a qualitative case study approach, I purposefully selected two senior and one junior Geography teachers to participate in this study. Data include classroom observation, field notes, in-depth interviews, lesson plans and other teaching materials from three teachers. Data are analyzed with an open-coding approach in order to capture emerging themes related to the three research questions. I concluded the following findings. A Geography classroom in Taiwanese public high schools was shaped by the following intertwined factors: teacher’s belief about teaching and learning, MOE’s curricular plan and school time tables, students’ exam outcomes, parents’ beliefs on learning. In establishing a literacy-based Geography classroom, the dedicated teacher believed that the outcome of teaching was not students’ exam results, but students’ ability to solve problems using Geography knowledge. She organized student-centric discussions that led to clarification of ideas and knowledge production. She perceived students as critical knowledge consumers and producers, while teachers were learning community organizers and facilitators. She worked with other teachers as a community of teaching and learning practices. Factors that made literacy-based Geography a challenge included the lack of professional development and administrative support within and beyond schools, a dominant learning culture that defined learning and teaching excellence based on students’ exam results, and the tedious daily routines that made teaching professional development an extra burden. This research enabled senior school teachers, school administrators, education researchers, and policy makers to formulate an in-depth understanding of literacy-based Geography taught by dedicated, senior, and novice teachers. It is worth noting that the three participant teachers do not represent all senior high school Geography teachers in Taiwan. en_US
DC.subject108 Curriculaen_US
DC.subjectGeography teachingen_US
DC.subjectliteracy-based teachingen_US
DC.subjectliteracy-based learningen_US
DC.title地理素養教學在台灣中學的教學和挑戰 -以三位中學地理科教師為例zh_TW
DC.titleIssues and Challenges of Teaching Literacy-based Geography in Senior High Schools - A Case Study of Three Taiwanese Geography Teachersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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