博碩士論文 104154006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsuan-Yi Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文主旨在探究存在主義與哲學諮商,討論哲學諮商是否能有效被運用、如何實踐、以及如何以存在哲學諮商面對人們的存在問題?首先,針對哲學諮商的部分,筆者以彼得‧拉比、馬瑞諾夫、阿肯巴哈、黎建球的理論與方法展開哲學諮商不同於心理諮商的地方:哲學諮商的發展,實為助人工作開創一條新的路徑。接著,就存在主義的部分,根據齊克果、尼采、沙特等人的存在主義主張,統整出存在主義強調人的主體性、實際行動的意義、重視人的獨一無二性等內涵,呼應了現代人因生活的快速節奏及龐大的壓力所感受到的焦慮、自我空虛、孤獨等心理狀態。存在主義使人重新重視這些生命議題。最後,筆者以歐文‧亞隆的存在心理治療的四大終極關懷─死亡、自由、存在孤獨、無意義的議題為主軸。歐文‧亞隆認為當個案面對這些存在的既定事實時會引發焦慮感,這是人在這世界上無法逃避的部分。諮商者在諮商關係中要有敏銳度體察到個案面臨的存在議題。綜觀哲學諮商與存在主義,筆者發現兩者有許多共通之處:包括兩者均重視個案「承擔責任」的精神、均認為「覺察」能力為諮商的基礎、均重視「此時此刻」的陪伴關係。 此外,筆者以自己在國中教育場域服務的經驗,發現存在哲學諮商可適用於國中諮商及教育的場域。包括在生涯探索、人際關係、生命意義追尋…等,可以以哲學的探問方式,引導學生思索關於其自身存在的議題。本論文嘗試對於落實存在哲學諮商提供可遵循的方向與具體方式。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis essay aims to explore existentialism and philosophical counseling, discussing whether philosophical counseling can be used effectively and how to put it into practice, and how the philosophical counseling of existentialism can deal with the question of existence. First, concerning the philosophical counseling, I discuss theories and methods of Peter Raabe, Lou Marinoff, Gerd B. Achenbach, and Bernard Li to show that philosophical counseling is different from the psychological counseling. The development of philosophical counseling creates a new alternative for helping people. Then, this essay integrates the essential concern of existentialism about human subjectivity, the significance of practical action, and the uniqueness of people, which would correspond to anxiety, emptiness, solitude and other psychological states resulting from the rapid rhythm of modern life and a huge pressure, according to the existentialism of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre and others. Existentialism makes us pay attention to such issues of life again. Finally, I make use of Irvin D. Yalom Existential psychotherapy of the four ultimate concerns, namely, death, freedom, existential isolation, and meaninglessness as the main axis of this study. Irvin D. Yalom demonstrates that when a client faces the fixed facts of the existence, he/she would feel anxious, which is unavoidable for human being in the world. The consultant should be sensitive to these issues encountered by the client in the consultative relationship. There are many characteristics in common between existentialism and philosophical counseling, including focusing on “taking responsibility” of the client, regarding the capacity of “awareness” as the basis for consultation, and stressing “here and now” in the relationship of accompanying. In addition, from the personal experiences in educational field, I find that the philosophical counseling of existentialism is applicable to the consultation situation for the middle school education. Concerning career exploration, interpersonal relationship, the searching for life meaning, etc., we may lead and stimulate students to think in a philosophical way about the issues of their own existence. This essay attempts to provide a practicable direction and a concrete way to implement the philosophical counseling with an existential approach. en_US
DC.subjectPhilosophical Counselingen_US
DC.subjectIrvin D. Yalomen_US
DC.titleA Study of Philosophical Counseling of Existentialism: Irvin D. Yalom as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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