博碩士論文 104155021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Fan JHAOen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract明初朱元璋所施行的諸子分封制度,無可避免地造成地方與中央政治權力的失衡,繼而引發兩者之間的對立與對抗,「靖難之役」性質正是這分封制度下必然走向的結果。姚廣孝與朱棣均適逢其時,一位是博通儒、釋、道三家之學的佼佼者;一位是經略北方有成的雄心藩王,二人的結合為這場關鍵性戰役,掀起了驚世波瀾。 「靖難之役」不但扭轉了明朝歷史發展,亦同時凸顯了姚廣孝有經天緯地之才。當面臨朱允炆朝廷大軍壓境下,朱棣竟能以北平府邸僅有的彈丸之地及八百軍士,迅速掌控整個北平城池,轉危為安。接著又陸續收復北方領地及舊屬,鞏固了北方勢力範圍,立於不敗之地。這些若非姚廣孝早已洞悉明朝未來的局勢演變,而及早佈局,朱棣又豈有實力能在極短時間內調兵遣將應付裕如?當朱棣後來面臨與朝廷中央軍隊呈現拉距戰時,姚廣孝又以避實擊虛戰術,獻策直取南京,總計費三年時間,統一了大明江山,以是姚廣孝在這場「靖難之役」被朱棣譽為首功,肯定其貢獻。 朱棣入主南京之後,姚廣孝竟不再以「靖難」舉兵的參贊之力,繼續輔佐朱棣未來帝業,而選擇淡出權力核心,似與他素昔所仰慕元朝宰相劉秉忠所懷的淑世理想未盡相符。廣孝的志業與從政之路亦似乎功敗垂成,此應與朱棣入主南京之後,已是可逢不可拂、難容異己之行為,亦不肯將大權旁落他人等政治環境有關。故姚廣孝雖仍在朝廷,為佛門、為百年大計的文教工作及輔佐太子重責大任,繼續奉獻心力,但自此不再參預機要,不復再作飛熊之夢,遠離了政治是非之地。 關鍵詞:姚廣孝、朱棣、「靖難之役」、劉秉忠zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter establishment of the Ming Dynasty the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang implememted the System Of Enfeoffment, granted his sons not only land but military power. As a result, it caused the imbalance and opposition between the central and local goverment. This was the background of the conflict called "Jingnan Battle". The two leaders, Yao Guangxiao, an outstanding elite of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and Zhu Di, well managed the north feudatory with great ambition, worked together to achieve the transform of emperor power in this crtical battle. The result of "Jingnan Battle" turned the development of Ming Dynasty. It also presented Yao Guangxiao’s military talent. Zhu Di could led only eight hundred sergeant to win the fight when he faced the thrill of the imperial force in Peking, and later recover his north territory, all these thanks to Yao Guangxiao’s prediction and planning. After that, Yao Guangxio suggested again to conquest Nanjing directly in order to break through the stalemate situation. Thus, Zhu Di could spend three years to capture the power of emporer and re-unit the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Di rewarded Yao Guangxiao as the greatest contributor in this critical battle. After Zhu Di dominated Nanjing, Yao Guangxiao changed his former positive attitude in politics, gave up to imitate his idol, the Yuan Dynasty prime minister Liu Bingzhong to embrace the ideal of meliorism, instead, he had the thought to leave the political arena. The reason was probably because of Zhu Di′s cruel killing of the dissidents and refusing to grant the politcal power to others. Yao Guangxiao though till stayed in the court, but only dedicated himself to the Buddha, to the lasting of education and to assist the Prince. He was away from politic power, no longer participated in decision-making with ambition. Keywords: Yao Guangxiao,Zhu Di, "Jingnan battle", Liu Bingzhongen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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