博碩士論文 104181003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLong-Bin Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文立基「海上」這片溝通世界的開放場域,循晚清前期新式報刊的新「聞」發展軌跡,呈現中國社會現代轉型變化中的關鍵性影響。首先,聚焦1850年代最早進入港、滬兩地開闢聞見視野的兩份代表刊物《遐邇貫珍》、《六合叢談》,討論倫敦會傳教士運用刊物傳播的新知內容,以及參與其中的秉筆華士 ,跟隨傳教士吸收學習,轉化出獨自的創見與反思。他們的一致努力,是晚清開展知識現代化的關鍵起點。其次,將焦點往後移到清朝逐步平定內亂、開啟洋務改革道路的1860年代,鎖定當時上海傳教士與洋商合作之第一份華文報紙《上海新報》,分析其走向市場建立威望,積極扮演開通大眾知識、認識國際新秩序的引導角色。第三,沿著1860至1870年代清朝進入同治中興的文化重建語境,選取申報館旗下,由海上文人主持編輯的首份綜合文藝期刊系列《瀛寰瑣紀》、《四溟瑣紀》、《寰宇瑣紀》,探究報刊在地深化、拓植帶來的新面向。最後,持續以上海申報館為討論重點,進一步擴大延伸到1880年代畫報問世的成熟報刊環境,討論報刊連載的前人筆記掌故(章鳴鶴《谷水舊聞》、章有豫《一瓢集》)、時人海外遊記(李圭《環遊地球新錄》、袁祖志《談瀛錄》)、當代「通人」的生平遊歷回憶錄(王韜《漫遊隨錄圖記》),追蹤這條「聞」脈往內/古、往外/今的延伸、衍化情形。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study set focus at Late Qing Dynasty and exploring the growth and development of Shanghai periodical press; while closely examining the contents (“Wen”) in periodicals, also observing how modernization had widely influenced and changed China society.   Starting by looking into Chinese Serial and Shanghae Serial—— significant periodicals in both Hong Kong and Shanghai during 1850-an, known with broadcasting extraordinary views to readers——London Missionary Society published and delivered informative news and knowledge through periodicals, while Chinese intellectuals(Bingbihuashi) had taken chance to work and learn with the missionary, then generated his own perceptions and reflections. The collaboration and achievement between missionary and Chinese intellectuals marked the key point of the beginning of Knowledge Modernization in Late Qing.   Then, the focus moving to 1860-an when the Qing Government suppressed the insurrection and started Western Affairs Movement. Through the first Chinese newspaper, Shanghai Xinbao, a marriage of Shanghai Missionary with Western Businessmen, analyzing the Shanghai Xinbao’s mass popularity and the reputation it build up; Shanghai Xinbao played an important role of channeling knowledge to the public and guiding public to recognize the international new order.   Thirdly, following 1860-an to 1870-an, T′ung-Chih Restoration had led to the rebuilding of cultural context. During this time, Shun Pao Office (Shunpaoguan) published first integrated literature and art periodicals: Yinghuan SuoJi, Siming Suoji, Huanyu Suoji; a group of Shanghai intellectuals manned the editorial. This chapter will explore the effort on localizing the periodicals, and discuss influences of the periodicals to the society.   Lastly, the study will further explore a few other publications from the Shun Pao Office. When pictorial emerged in 1880-an, it showed that periodicals had become more mature with publishing more variety of contents; these contents had been published in serial, included: historical icon’s notes and anecdotes (Zhang Min He’s Gushuei Jiouwun, Zhang You Yu‘s Yipiao Ji); celebrity foreign travelog (Li Gui’s Huanyoudiciou Sinlu, Yuan Zhu Chih’s Tanyinlu); lifetime-journey-memoir of modern knowledgeable and prominent figure (Wang Tao‘s Manyousuilu Tuji)—— by studying the ancient China/local anecdotes with modern world/foreign travelog shown in above said periodicals, tracing the extension and evolution of “Wen”. en_US
DC.titleNew “Wen” Era: Shanghai Periodical Press and How It Shape Knowledge of Intellectuals(1853-1889)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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