博碩士論文 104256017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract可撓式基板材料為具有可連續捲對捲(roll-to-roll)生產優勢的新 世代基板技術,在材料上則需具備輕、薄、不易破碎以及攜帶方便、 可彎曲性之特性。欲探討分子結構與電荷傳導速率關連,受到分子濺 鍍成膜時的形貌影響。而 HIPIMS(高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍,high power impulse magnetron sputtering)是一種以高功率脈衝電源進行磁控 濺鍍的技術,可在基材低溫度下得到無孔隙高密度的薄膜。在軟性基 板中,薄膜元件需經歷反覆撓曲,撓曲薄膜元件電性的影響是一有趣 課題。本實驗使用可撓曲之塑膠製備透明導電膜ITO,研究撓曲對其 載子傳遞能力之影響。本研究於塑膠基板上以HIPIMS方法製作可撓式 透明導電膜,並量測在不同應力下的元件特性。我們發現當元件受壓 應力彎曲,元件電性差異大,且可容忍之彎折次數較少;反之受張應 力彎曲時,則電性差異較平緩,而可容忍之彎折次數較多。我們認為 元件受應力的改變主要來自於薄膜內分子間作用力的變化:在張應力 狀態時,晶粒-晶粒間的平均自由徑變大使薄膜產生微裂痕,使得載 子遷移率較好;反之,當元件處於壓應力狀態時,晶粒-晶粒間的平 均自由徑變小使薄膜產生變形,載子遷移率因而下降。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe flexible substrate material is a new generation substrate technology with the advantages of continuous roll-to-roll production. The material needs to be light, thin, not easily broken, and easy to carry and bend. The molecular structure is related to the charge conduction rate and is affected by the morphology of the film when it is sputtered by a molecule. HIPIMS (high power impulse magnetron sputtering) is a high-power pulsed power supply for magnetron sputtering, which provides a low-porosity film at low temperatures. In a flexible substrate, the thin film component undergoes repeated flexing, and the electrical influence of the flexographic film component is an interesting subject. In this experiment, a transparent conductive film ITO was prepared using a flexible plastic to study the effect of deflection on its carrier transport ability. In this study, a flexible transparent conductive film was fabricated on a plastic substrate by HIPIMS method, and the characteristics of the components under different stresses were measured. We found that when the component is bent by compressive stress, the electrical difference of the component is large,and the number of bends that can be tolerated is small. On the contrary, when the tensile stress is bent, the electrical difference is gentle, and the number of bends that can be tolerated is large. We believe that the change of the stress of the component mainly comes from the change of the intermolecular force in the film: in the tensile stress state, the average free diameter between the grains and the grains becomes large, which causes the film to have micro-cracks, which makes the carrier mobility better. On the contrary, when the element is in a compressive stress state, the average free diameter between the crystal grains and the crystal grains becomes small, and the film is deformed,and the carrier mobility is thus lowered.en_US
DC.title高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍成長透明導電膜 於可撓性塑膠基板之研究zh_TW
DC.titleResearch of Transparent Conductive Films on the Flexible Plastic Substrates Using High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputteringen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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