博碩士論文 104322057 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZhong-Qing Maen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract路面的平坦與否關係到用路人對舒適性的感受,並與行車安全有密切相關,為能快速且不影響交通的情況下了解路面平坦度狀況,國內有許多單位逐漸採用慣性式平坦儀的檢測方式進行路面平坦度的量測。本研究將以二維藍光慣性式平坦儀,依據CNS 15371 舖面量測用慣性剖面儀驗證法進行驗證,並且配合單點紅光慣性式平坦儀以不同行車速度及煞停行為之影響因子進行平坦度量測,以比較其量測結果之差異性及重複性,最後探討不同車載量測設備對於平坦度量測結果之影響,並評估慣性式平坦儀是否能應用於橋梁段進行平坦度量測。由平坦儀驗證結果發現,二維藍光慣性式平坦儀能符合CNS 15371 規範之標準。由單點紅光及二維藍光慣性式平坦儀在不同行車速度及煞停行為下進行之影響因子穩定性分析結果發現,在縱剖面高程重複性相關係數平均值皆大於0.7;在國際糙度指標(International Roughness Index, IRI)值之多重比較分析結果皆無顯著的差異;在頻譜密度(Power Spectral Density, PSD)分析所得波長小於30m 之總能量差異量皆在1×10-5(m2-m/cycle)以下,故說明所量測之結果差異不大,其結果也相對穩定。由車載設備影響結果發現,利用慣性式平坦儀於橋梁段進行平坦度量測具有高度相關性,但需同時使用位移感測器及加速度規進行量測,使所計算之剖面高程能得到更高的相關性,綜合上述研究,2D 藍光雷射慣性平坦儀可用於糙度測量並值得進一步研究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe comfort and safe driving and traffic can be influenced by pavement roughness. To prompt measure the pavement roughness without impacting traffic, lots of Departments of Transportation in Taiwan adopt the inertial profile to measure pavement roughness. The objective of this study is evaluating whether the 2D Blu-ray laser inertial profiler could be using in pavement roughness measurement or not. Firstly, the 2D Blu-ray laser inertial profiler was verified by Chinese National Standard (CNS) 15371. The 2D Bluray laser inertial profiler and the single point laser inertial profiler were used measure the roughness at various cruise speeds and the sudden brake factor. Finally, the results would be discussed. In addition, the study will also evaluate whether the inertial profile be possible to roughness measurement in bridge section or not. The results of verification found that the 2D Blu-ray laser inertial profiler totally matched the requirement of the CNS 15371 standard. Based on the results of the stability analysis on longitudinal profile elevation, the correlation coefficient of repeatability between the 2D Blu-ray laser inertial profiler and the single point laser inertial profiler was more than 0.7. There was no significant difference in the multiple comparisons of International Roughness Index (IRI) using two inertial profilers. In addition, based on Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis, the total energy difference between the wavelengths of less than 30 m obtained was less than 1×10-5(m2-m/cycle), it means the measured difference was small and measurement is stable. In the bridge section, if the inertial profile should adopt laser CCD and accelerometers, the roughness measurement would match the requirement of CNS 15371. Based on above, 2D Blu-ray laser inertial profiler could be used in roughness measurement and it is worthy of further study.en_US
DC.subjectInertial Profileren_US
DC.subject2D Blu-Ray Laseren_US
DC.titleComprehensive Assessment of Using Different Optical Spectrum Laser for Measuring Pavement Smoothnessen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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