博碩士論文 104322606 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRoro Sulaksitaningrumen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract再生劑可降低刨除料添加於瀝青混凝土所產生的老化情形,加上目前臺灣的道路經由養護及修復後會產生大量的刨除料,故本研究希望能找出最適之再生劑添加量於刨除料之比例。本研究將使用不同等級的再生劑(RA)添加於道路刨除料中進行兩階段的研究。分別為RA1-1、RA1-2、RA25-2及RA75-2,並以AI MS-2作為規範。由於台灣日常道路維護和修復,刨鋪產生大量瀝青刨除料(RAP)。本研究旨在實驗室研究再生劑(RA)對老化瀝青混合料和瀝青混凝土的性能的恢復作用,以增加RAP的用量。該研究將40%的100,000 poise回收瀝青黏合劑(RAB)與AC 20作為原始黏合劑和包含RA 1-1,RA 1-2,RA 25-2和RA 75-2的四種類型的RA混合。第一階段採用瀝青混凝土協會MS-2(AI MS-2)的黏滯度混合表,臺灣通常用此找到混合料的最佳RA含量。第一階段的結果表明RA能夠恢復RAB。然而,Multiple Stress Creep Recovery(MSCR)測試的結果表明,該方法高估了混合料中RA的添加量,導致的RAB混合料極易產生車轍。實驗中的大多數RAB混合料皆高於規範最高允許的標準車流量4.5 kPa-1。接著,第二個實驗針對瀝青混凝土進行假設,更接近其特性並解決了車轍問題。採用針入度尋找混合料中的最佳RA需求量。結果表明,經過觀察的混合料中RA 1-1,RA 1-2,RA 25-2和RA 75-2的需要量分別為39.08%,13.99%,5.71%和6.43%。台灣使用的規範規定當12.5mm的車轍深度發生時,最大滾壓次數必須高於12000次。漢堡車輪跟踪測試的結果表明,RA 1-1能夠恢復RAB,針入度顯現出良好的抗車轍性能,而RA 1-2 MIX的結果大不相同。這是由於RA 1-2的針入度和流變試驗易受溫度和頻率變化影響。更進一步說,RA 1-2的化學成分顯示出高的樹脂和芳香含量,產生具有更黏稠結構的瀝青黏合劑。因此,對於恢復嚴重老化和相當高含量的RAB的情況,僅依賴於黏滯度測試和AI MS-2是不夠的,根據針入度決定RA,然後也考慮RA的化學成分及其流變試驗更為合適。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the routine road maintenance and rehabilitation in Taiwan, milling process produces big pile of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP). This study then aims to perform laboratory investigation to discover the rejuvenating effect of Recycling Agent (RA) on the performance of aged asphalt binder and asphalt concrete in order to increase RAP usage. This study blends 40% of 100,000 poise Recycled Asphalt Binder (RAB) with AC 20 as virgin binder and four types of RA comprising RA 1-1, RA 1-2, RA 25-2, and RA 75-2. The first phase which focus on asphalt binder employed viscosity blending chart from Asphalt Institute MS-2 (AI MS-2) which Taiwan commonly uses to find optimum necessary RA in the blends. The results of first phase indicate that RA are able to rejuvenate RAB. However, the results of Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) test indicate that this method mislead the addition of RA in the blend and results in softer RAB Blends which is suscpetible to rutting. Most of the RAB blends are above the maximum allowable Jnr for standard traffic, 4.5 kPa-1. Then, the second experimental which focus on asphalt concrete was carried out with assumption that it will be more compatible with their characteristic and solve the problem in rutting. It employed penetration grade to find optimum necessary RA in the blends. The results shows that the decreasing of RA 1-1, RA 1-2, RA 25-2, and RA 75-2 needed in the blends about 39.08%, 13.99%, 5.71%, and 6.43% can be observed respectively. Taiwan sets the standard that when the 12.5 mm rut depth occured, the maximum number of passes through this rut of depth must be higher than 12,000 passes. The result of Hamburg Wheel Tracking test shows that RAB rejuvenated by RA 1-1 which based on penetration grade shows good rutting performance, unlike the results of RA 1-2 MIX. It is due to characteristic of RA 1-2 which is susceptible to temperature and frequency change based on its penetration index and rheological test respectively. Moreover, chemical components of RA 1-2 shows high in resin and aromatic content which produce asphalt binder with more viscous structure. Thus, for the case of rejuvenating severely aged and quite high content of RAB in the blend, relying on only viscosity test and AI MS-2 is not adequate. Determining RA based on penetration grade, then also considering the chemical component of RA and its rheological test is more compatible.en_US
DC.titleInvestigating the Rejuvenating Effect of Different Recycling Agents on the Performance of Aged Asphalt Binder and Asphalt Concreteen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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