博碩士論文 104323608 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorNguyen Vu Linhen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract神經手術內視鏡是腦神經外科常使用的手術設備,用以協助腦神經外科手術醫師透過微小創口窺見患者大腦內部。使用時,醫生需先在病人的顱骨上鑽孔,然後將內視鏡插入腦部到達患處,再透過其內部之空心管,將另一手術器械從中插入以進行手術動作。由於神經內視鏡必須長時間保持固定姿態,且需要定位調整,因此臨床上需要高靈巧性之扶持機器人,協助醫師對抗疲勞或晃動等問題。 本計畫目標是設計一部神經內視鏡手術扶持機器人系統,該系統將由一個機器人操縱。我們將提出一種創新的球面解耦機構 (Spherical Decoupled Mechanism, SDM),該設計具有獨立旋轉自由度。我們亦將針對上述醫療應用需求進行機構之尺寸最佳化設計。 首先將擷取內視鏡於臨床操作的運動姿態數據,然後以此數據進行機器人機構的最佳設計。我們將對此新穎的SDM進行完整的運動學理論分析,然後透過設計變數的定義、運動學和速度模型的建立,進行該操縱器的最佳化設計,並且打樣製作初始概念原型,最後製作完整的神經內視鏡手術機器人系統。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is an advanced technique that intervenes in the human body through small incisions. To enhance the efficiency of MIS operation, robotic assisted surgery has recently been employed. However, due to high cost associated with high technology and rigorous safety requirements, incorporating robotic technology into the daily surgical practice is still challenging. Neurosurgery is one of the most demanding surgical specialties in term of precision requirement and operative field because of the complexity of anatomical region involved. Although many studies have addressed the specific details of surgical robots, there is relatively very little literature and robotic assisted neurosurgery is still being extremely challenging. In fact, the literature review of robotic systems for neuro-endoscopy has shown that their concepts are mostly based on industrial manipulator. With the aim to design a robotic manipulator for neuro-endoscopy, a novel mechanical architecture is proposed in this study. The novel mechanism is called the 5-bar Spherical Decoupled Mechanism (SDM). The idea of offering the novel mechanism stems from the concept of the 5-bar Spherical Linkage (5-BSL). The SDM is considered as a parallel architecture that allows generating a Remote Center of Motion (RCM) of two angular decoupled Degrees of Freedom (DoF). The decoupled characteristic is demonstrated by its kinematic and velocity models, and simplifies the control strategy for manipulation. Besides, the architectural improvement induces the suppression of parallel singularity that almost parallel mechanisms suffer from over their workspaces. The workspace and kinematic performance of the SDM are also presented. The investigation not only concentrates on its mechanical aspects, but also on its capabilities applied to neuro-endoscopy. As a result, a medical-oriented optimization based on experimental data, kinematic performance, and architectural compactness allows obtaining the optimum configuration of the proposed mechanism. The optimum mechanism is then used as a base for the mechanical design of robotic manipulator prototype.en_US
DC.subjectRobotic Assisted Surgeryen_US
DC.subjectFive-Bar Spherical Linkageen_US
DC.subjectParallel Mechanismen_US
DC.subjectDecoupled Mechanismen_US
DC.subjectRemote Center of Motionen_US
DC.titleDesign of a Spherical Decoupled Robotic Manipulator for Neuro-endoscopyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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