博碩士論文 104356021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-Ju Chiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract我國環境教育法自2011年6月5日實行,環境教育設施認證與管理辦法與之併行,執行至今已達6年之久。2011年10月3日臺北市關渡自然公園成為我國第一處取得環境教育設施場所認證的場址,法令施行後第1年取得認證僅有2處,第二年增至48處,至今(2017)年共有145家取得認證。然而設施場所之認證有效期限為5年,得展延5年。因此,現階段正適逢環境教育設施場所認證申請展延作業時期,每處環境教育設施場所申請展延前,將針對場所經營現況、執行環境教育成效進行檢討,以及政府對於未來目標走向,再決定是否申請展延,這些評估要素提供作為本次研究方向。本研究方法採3面向:首先,定性分析方面,針對桃園市3處不同領域環境教育設施場所進行經營模式個案分析,以Osterwalder and Pigneur′s模式針對產品、財務、顧客及基礎設施資料進行交叉比對,選定以行政院環境保護署推薦自給自足之環境教育設施場所及年度參訪人數最多與最少的場所為分析對象。次之,藉SPSS 統計分析此3處環境教育設施場所參訪後之環境素養問卷調查,發放問卷420份,回收290份,有效267份,發現小學生、中學生及社會人士,在環境素養中三大內涵態度、行為、環境知識組別間層面未達顯著水準,表現上並無顯著差異,惟在大專生中,在行為與環境知識表現是有差異,推測原因是接受新知識產生認知不同因素等所致。最後,訪談產官學三方立場,對未來環境教育設施場所,建議能強化媒體曝光度、開發新課程及軟硬體設施提升等。期望政府機關能成立專責輔導單位,媒合環境教育設施場所彼此間活動,推廣具有特色環境教育課程,並建置環境教育設施場所提供參訪人員平台,幫助部分環境教育設施場所另覓客源窘境及行政資源耗用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract The Environmental Education Act along with the Environmental Education Facilities Certification and Management Approach in Taiwan have been implemented for more than 6 years since they were first announced on June 5, 2011. There have been 145 sites in total obtaining certifications of environmental education facilities throughout Taiwan up till now (2017). However, the valid period for facility certification is five years and needs postponing for another five years. Currently, it falls on the stage of applying for the certification postponement. Before the application of certification postponement, each certified facility must submit the report for previous 5-year management situation, the effect of implementing environmental education, and the government’s future target and direction so as to judge whether it needs to apply for postponing the certification. More specifically, it must include work contents, numbers of activities, numbers of participants of each activity, results and surveys, reviews and future plans. This study quotes these basic data to evaluate the efficiency of functional performance of environmental education facilities in Taoyuan City. The methodology adopted in this study covers three aspects: firstly, in terms of qualitative analysis, three environmental education facilities in Taoyuan City were chosen to make case studies of business model. This study uses Osterwalder and Pigneur′s business model to make cross analyses regarding to products, finance, customers, and infrastructures. This study designates the self-sufficient facilities and facilities with the largest and smallest number of annual visitors recommended by EPA. Secondly, a questionnaire survey on environmental literacy after visiting the three facilities was conducted for further analyses by using SPSS statistics. 420 questionnaires were sent, and 267 of the 290 acquired questionnaires were determined as valid questionnaires. It is found out that there were no significant difference in the three connotations of environmental literacy -- attitude, behavior, and environmental knowledge among the groups of elementary students, junior high school students, and the general public. For college students, the results showed differences in the behavior and environmental knowledge. This study speculates that the learning of new knowledge leads to the production of different cognition. Finally, the interviews of enterprises, government officials, and academics were made. Recommendations from the interviews include intensification of media exposure, development of new programs, and improvement of hardware and software of the facilities. The interviewers also expect the government to establish specialized counseling units, integrate activities among facilities, promote distinctive environmental education programs, set up the platform for visitors, and help some environmental education facilities find other customer resources to get rid of current dilemma and reduce administrative consumption.en_US
DC.subjectEnvironmental education facilitiesen_US
DC.subjectEnvironmental literacyen_US
DC.subjectBusiness modelen_US
DC.titleAnalysis on the Performance of Environmental Education Facilities in Taoyuan Cityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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