博碩士論文 104423027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMin-Shan Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著醫療技術進步與出生率下降,各國已出現人口老化的現象,並產生諸多問題,而許多文獻指出人口老化已是一個廣受世界各國關注的議題,然而目前卻尚未有一個明確的資訊計量分析 (Informetric Analysis)來幫助研究者快速掌握此領域的發展情形,以促進該領域的發展。因此,本研究以社會網路分析觀點探討人口老化領域的整體研究趨勢,並發掘此領域最具影響力之學者、機構與國家。 本研究分析Scopus學術資料庫中2002年到2016年人口老化相關文獻,並將文獻分成前期(2002年到2006年)、中期(2007年到2011年)、後期(2012年到2016年)三個時期,採用共詞分析 (Co-word analysis)技術建構人口老化領域的文獻知識地圖,以辨識該領域的整體知識,並找出其知識缺口。 本研究結果顯示各時期人口老化中不同主題的研究程度,本研究發現前期屬於研究初期,研究議題較分散,還未發展出主流議題,而中期的主題相對前期來得多樣,也已出現主流議題,像是chronic disease、obesity、social support、life course以及China等。到了後期主題更趨多元化,主流議題包含有cardiovascular disease、cancer、mortality、muscle、Australia、health care planning、health expenditures等,在此時期更增加許多具潛力的新興主題,很可能成為未來發展的主流,例如social security、health、pensions以及epidemiology等。 本研究詳細地描繪人口老化領域的整體研究發展狀況,能幫助研究者快速找出此領域的研究缺口與趨勢,並找出合適的合作對象,政府與相關機構也可透過本研究結果將資源分配給較有效率的學者或機構,以加快該領域之發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract The phenomenon of population aging is being witnessed around the world owing to advances in medical technology and the decline in birth rates. This phenomenon produces many problems. Many literature sources point out that population aging is a matter of concern globally. However, no previous study has undertaken a comprehensive informetric analysis on this topic. To fill this research gap, this study examines the research patterns and trends of population aging from the perspective of social network analysis and also explores the most influential scholars, institutions, and countries in this field. Relevant data were collected between 2002 and 2016 from the Scopus database and divided into three periods: the pre-period (2002 to 2006), the medium-term period (2007 to 2011), and the later period (2012 to 2016). This study used co-word analysis to reveal patterns and trends in population aging so as to help researchers identify critical research gaps. The results of this study revealed the degree of research on different themes of population aging in each period. It also found that the themes were scattered and that mainstream issues had not yet developed in the pre-period because that was just the beginning of the research. The medium-term topics were more diverse than those in the pre-period. Mainstream issues such as chronic disease, obesity, social support, life course and China also appeared during this period. In the later period, research themes of population aging tended to be even more diversified and included mainstream topics such as cardiovascular disease, cancer mortality, muscle, Australia, health care planning and health expenditures. Many themes such as social security, health, pensions and epidemiology are likely to become mainstream issues in the future during this period. The patterns of population aging revealed in this study can help researchers identify critical research gaps and find proper collaborators. Governments and other relevant organizations may also allocate more resources to efficient academics and institutions on the basis of our results in order to promote the development of this field.en_US
DC.subjectPopulation agingen_US
DC.subjectCo-word analysisen_US
DC.subjectSocial network analysisen_US
DC.titleA co-word analysis of research into population agingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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