博碩士論文 104424026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMin-Jung Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文研究之主題為出售型重整,出售型重整之操作模式是債務人將營業事業之全部或主要部分出售讓與他人,使之在新的企業主體得以存續,事業的重整是在債務人原企業以外繼續營運的方式進行。出售型重整是近十年來,大型企業面臨營運困境而必須進行重整程序時所偏好之重整方式,原因在於出售型重整相較於傳統企業存續型重整,其程序與實質要件及程序較為簡化,不僅能避免債務人之資產隨時間流逝而貶損價值,亦能將重整企業之價值極大化。關於出售型重整之程序、重要性與法律架構,本文於第三章內容詳細探討。 現行法公司重整程序係以公司法第282條所規定「有重建更生之可能」為前提,於重整完成後公司即恢復正常營運。於法無明文規範之情形下,重整公司可否採行讓與事業予其他法人主體之「營業讓與型重整」,產生營業讓與型重整適法性之討論。出售型重整於公司法中並無明文,然債務清理法草案之修正方向已明定公司重整之方式可讓與全部或一部營業,草案理由說明營業讓與後事業本身已在其他法人之下繼續維持,仍符合重整之目的是重整之重要方法。 本文所欲探討之重點在於,債務清理法草案尚未通過之時,透過研究美國聯邦破產法典第363條之發展與運用,建構出售型重整於我國債務清理法體系之設計。此外,本文亦針對美國破產實務中,出售型重整最具代表性之案例-克萊斯勒汽車案深入探討。本文蒐集美國法院判決以及學者見解,梳理克萊斯勒案之發展脈絡與判決結果,且歸納克萊斯勒汽車操作出售型重整所產生之爭議。並藉此設想未來出售型重整於我國操作時可能產生之問題,進一步擬定合適之解決方案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractResult from many complicated factors, economic depression and poor management for instance. Because businesses fail to operate functionally, it has to pull out the market then take on the process of liquidation or reorganization. Section 363 sales promise a speedy and cost-effective alternative to traditional reorganization. Section 363 imposes very fewer procedural and substantive requirements than the chapter 11 process. Sales of operating businesses take place pursuant to section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code. The sale of the business can be completed within 60 days. A concrete example is Chrysler, which entered the proceeding of selling business and exited 42 days later. Under 363, if a debtor in possession wants to sell or lease property of the estate outside the ordinary course of business, it could do so after notice and hearing. During past years, 363 sale had become common practice in large-scale corporate bankruptcies. Decisions relating to Chrysler made by bankruptcy court and second circuit court was debatable. Argument arose from the violation of priority and other doctrine in chapter 11. Besides, some scholars emphasized that Chrysler breached appropriate bankruptcy practice and the sale in Chrysler infringed the protections afforded creditors under chapter 11. Complete reorganization by selling operating assets have become more useful and customary. This paper try to research the content of 363 sale, it studied the decisions relating to Chrysler sale and generalized some issues from facts. Further it explored journals and paper to realize methods that explain the controversy logically. In our country we have a successful illustration about corporate reorganize through selling assets. This paper dig up the instance deeply. In addition to introducing the framework of liquidation and reorganization in our country, this paper figured out some proposal to improve the bankruptcy law well.en_US
DC.subjectsale of asseten_US
DC.subject363 saleen_US
DC.subjectcorporate reorganizationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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