博碩士論文 104426606 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHUYNH LE VYen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract食品工業多年來在國民經濟和衛生事業中發揮著重要的作用。消費者的看法顯示出對食品安全和每天食用食物的性質的擔憂越來越大。食物安全危害可能含有隱藏症狀,導致嚴重疾病,甚至死亡。這個問題可能會損害貿易和旅遊,導致失業和訴訟,給保健制度帶來負擔,降低經濟生產力。 在食品行業,原材料轉化成成品,經過多個步驟才能達到客戶渠道。通過應用包含嵌入式技術的物理對象的全球網絡基礎設施進行溝通和協作,其特徵在於物聯網(IoT),被業界食品用於獲取更準確的控制和檢測食物毒物以提高食品質量。遵循先進的信息和計算機技術的趨勢,大量的工廠在生產領域的多樣性中實施物聯網,包括成本,效益,項目,功能,組織,競爭,環境,硬件和軟件。現場設備,骨干係統,通信基礎設施是分佈到整個網絡系統的物聯網的三個部分。 然而,任何網絡都有風險並需要確定,以確保在工業環境中良好適應物聯網應用。系統意外的錯誤可能會在運行時間內對其他部件造成不良影響和損壞。因此,本研究涉及物聯網風險管理領域,以澄清每個生產領域的任何隱含危害。其問題在於保證生產線順利運行,為客戶提供優質的產品。故障模式效應和關鍵分析(FMECA)方法被認為是適用於許多行業的合適方法,也可以減輕食品工業中的潛在故障安全性和可靠性分析。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFood Industry plays an important role in both national economy and health residents through many generations. Concern about food safety and characteristics of the food that the customer buys and eats every day increases day by day. Food safety hazard can contain hidden symptom and cause serious disease later or even death. This problem can damage tourism and trade, lead to joblessness and lawsuit, impose a burden on health-care system and reduce economic productivity. In the food the industry, raw materials are transformed into finished products and go through many steps before reaching the customer channels. By applying the global network infrastructure of physical objects that comprise embedded technology to communication and cooperation, which is characterized as Internet of Things (IoT), is utilized in the food the industry to gain more accurate controlling and detect food poison to improve food quality. Follow the trend of advanced information and computer technology, a huge number of plants implement IoT in the diversity of production areas include cost, benefit, project, functionality, organization, competition, environmental, hardware, and software. Field devices, backbone system, communication infrastructure are three parts of IoT that distributed to the entire network system. However, any network can have risks and need to determine to ensure a good fit of IoT application in the industrial environment. An unexpected mistake in the system can bring bad effects and damage to other parts during running time. Therefore, this study takes domain about Risk Management of Internet of Things to clarify any implicit endanger in each production area. Its issue is concerned to guarantee that production lines run smoothly in order to provide quality products for customers. Failure Mode Effect and Critical Analysis (FMECA) method, is considered to be a suitable methodology to apply to many industries, also can mitigate potential failures safety and reliability analysis in Food Industry.en_US
DC.subjectRisk Managementen_US
DC.subjectInternet of Things (IoT)en_US
DC.subjectFailure Mode Effect and Critical Analysis (FMECA)en_US
DC.subjectFood Industryen_US
DC.title管理物聯網風險 - 食品工業為例zh_TW
DC.titleManaging Risk for the Internet of Things – the Food Industry as a caseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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