博碩士論文 104450029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Ju Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract印刷電路板 (Printed Circuit Board, PCB) 是電子產品不可缺少的關鍵零件,可稱為「電子工業之母」。隨著科技的進步,電子產品充斥在現今人們的生活中,對電子產品的需求也越來越輕薄短小,使高階HDI板技術的應用領域越來越多元,其重要性不言而喻。 在現今紅色供應鏈的推波助瀾下,低價手機市場異軍突起,侵蝕大型企業的利潤。面對電子產品的科技進步以及市場變化快速的情況下,大型企業的技術導向的優勢不在是優勢,獲利不如二線廠商。如今,高階市場技術等級需求提高,公司面臨著是否升級技術和設備,還是尋求符合原有設備製程能力的新市場。面對這樣的情況下,大型企業公司如何維持競爭優勢。 本研究採用個案研究法,透過五力分析及SWOT競爭策略矩陣來探討其競爭策略並維持企業的競爭優勢,分析與探討個案公司在競爭激烈的環境中,其發展策略之關鍵成功因素為何,並針對個案分析結果,對HDI大型企業提出未來競爭策略組合,以保持企業的競爭優勢。研究結果發現,領導企業往往將資源放在滿足高階客戶的需求,以求更高的獲利。在追求的維持性創新過程中,企業的成本不斷增加,無法快速調整策略以因應市場變化,導致競爭優勢下滑。因此,本研究結論建議大型企業面對科技變遷以及市場變化時,需考量下列幾點,以利持續維持企業的競爭優勢 (1) 需留意低階市場的破壞性創新威脅;(2) 需重新定位未來產品發展方向;(3) 組織重整及再造,讓組織規模符合市場規模,達到大型企業也有中小型企業的彈性優勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPrinted circuit board (PCB) is one of the most important parts of electrical and electronic devices. Nowadays, with the progress of technology, electronic products have penetrated our life in every aspect. As electronic products get smaller, lighter and thinner, the components should also become smaller. Therefore, High Density Interconnection (HDI) technology has gained greater important in many applications. The rise of low-cost mobile phone market with the “red” supply chain has eroded the profits of large enterprises. Faced with the rapid progress of electronic technology and market changes, the technological advantages of large enterprises are no longer the advantages, and their profits are often inferior to the second tier manufacturers. Now, the high order market needs to improve the technical level, so companies are facing the decision whether to upgrade technology and equipment or to seek new markets in line with the original equipment manufacturing capacity. Under such circumstances, how to maintain the competitive advantages of large enterprises is critical. The case study applies the Five Forces Analysis and the SWOT matrix analysis to U Company. The study analyzes the company’s competitive environments and the key success factors in its development strategies so as to generate suitable competitive strategies for keeping the company’s competitive advantages. The results of the study showed that leading enterprise often put resources to meet the needs of customers in order to obtain higher order and higher profit. In the pursuit of the sustaining innovation, the enterprise’s costs continued to increase it was unable to quickly adjust strategies to respond to market changes, eroding its competitive advantages. Therefore, the study suggests that the case company in facing rapid technology and market changes should consider the following points: (1) to pay attention to the destructive technological innovation at the low end of the market; (2) to redefine future product development directions; (3) to restructure and reengineer the organization in order to achieve the flexibility and agility of small and medium-sized enterprises.en_US
DC.subjectHigh density interconnection printed circuit boarden_US
DC.subjectFive forces analysisen_US
DC.subjectSWOT matrix analysisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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