博碩士論文 104450057 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorAn-Chi Hoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract因應科技的快速發展,未來戰爭型態不再是以軍隊多寡作為勝敗的關鍵因素,將更倚賴高素質人力已是不爭的事實,提高專業軍人的比例將是打贏未來戰爭的關鍵。多年來我國一直採取士官、士兵以徵集為主,軍官以招募為主的徵募併行兵役制度,但是面臨我國少子化的人口趨勢,可徵兵員亦逐年減少,同時更受到政治、社會氛圍影響,徵集役男役期已縮短為一年,士兵甫經訓練成熟即須退伍,國防戰力始終無法維持,因此為確保國防及國家安全,推動「募兵制」成為國防轉型最重要的工作。 本篇研究循制度研究途徑,以文獻分析及個案研究法,就人力資源管理觀點,探討現階段國軍中最不容易推動的陸軍,於實施募兵制度的現狀與未來興革發展方向。研究中瞭解全世界已經有五十八個國家以不同的形式實施募兵制,以因應未來的高科技戰爭需求,在推動初期大部分均有志願役人力不足、素質欠佳的現象,因此面對兩岸軍事上威脅的考量,雖然推動募兵制的軍官、士官、士兵都是以志願役為唯一對象,但是憲法第二十條:「人民有依法律服兵役的義務」並沒有改變,役男仍然需要接受四個月的軍事訓練與部隊隨習,戰時納入後備動員序列執行國土防衛任務,因此,我國人民的兵役仍維持徵募併行的制度。 國防部參酌美國、英國、日本等先進國家推動的歷程與經驗,成立跨部會「推動募兵制專案小組」,依據作戰需求、可用人力、可用財力,於民101年完成「募兵制實施計畫」,推動了募兵制四十一項的人才招募及優化服役環境配套措施,以「待遇」、「尊嚴」、「出路」為主軸完整規劃,以提升國軍在招募競才上的優勢。但是受到整個社會環境及民粹的影響,提高軍人待遇、增進福利措施等優渥條件,並無法一如預期的達成目標,所以如何重塑軍人價值、改善官兵生活環境、完善職涯規劃、落實退後安置作為,爭取優質的志願役兵源,以達成募兵制目標。採行募兵制已是時勢所趨,亦是攸關國家安全與存亡之策,沒有回頭路可走,是一項只許成功不能失敗的重要政策。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTechnology advances have changed the structure of future wars from relying massive troops to win, into relying high quality manpower to succeed; it is fair to say the key to winning future wars is to raise the ratio of professional military personnel. For several decades, our country adopted the method of "hybrid system," which is to draft soldiers/NCOs and having volunteered officers as the composition of armed forces. However, being affected by recent political and societal opinions, the R.O.C. Armed Forces have decreased the conscription time to one year. This resulted in difficulties of maintaining combat power, because once young people are trained ready with combat capabilities, they are done with service. Moreover, the R.O.C. faces the trend of low fertility which caused decreased number of young people can be drafted each year; therefore, in order to ensure national defense capabilities and security, adopting "voluntarism" becoming the most important mission in the process of transitioning our national defense. Systematic Researches were conducted for this thesis along with literature reviews and case studies. The thesis follows human resources management viewpoint to examine the most troubled case, the R.O.C. Army: current status of adopting voluntarism and future directions. The thesis shows that there are 58 countries’ military forces adopt voluntarism to fight future high-tech wars. And in the early stage, most countries encountered problems such as lack of volunteers, or incompetent soldiers. Since the R.O.C. has a strong adversary across the strait, we not only adopted voluntarism to recruit officers, NCOs, and soldiers, we also maintained drafting young males for 4 months to basic training and to train with units. If the war occurs, these conscripts will be mobilized again with orders to defend the homeland. Therefore, our military system maintains a hybrid of conscripted and voluntary system. The R.O.C. Ministry of National Defense (MND) reviewed the processes and experiences of the United States, Britain, and Japan, later established the interagency “Voluntary Military System Project Team.” This team analyzed the operational requirements, manpower available, resources available, and published the “Voluntary System Execution Plan” that consists of 41 measures to attract talents and improve working conditions. The main idea was planning a well-rounded “welfare, dignity, and promotion” system as the advantage for the R.O.C. military. However, the MND have not achieved these goals yet, due to societal viewpoint and negative opinions from people towards the military. If we want the voluntary system to succeed, we need to consider raising the societal respect towards soldiers, enhancing the living conditions, implementing good promotion system, and taking good care of veterans in order to attract great talents into the military. The global trend is to adopt voluntarism; voluntarism is a significant policy we must implement, it is vital to our country’s survival and there is no way to turn back.en_US
DC.subjectMilitary Service Systemen_US
DC.subjectConscription Systemen_US
DC.subjectVoluntary Systemen_US
DC.subjecta Hybrid of Conscripted and Voluntary Systemen_US
DC.subjectHuman Resources Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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