博碩士論文 104453006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChien-Ying Maen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,行政院公共工程委員會持續推動鼓勵機關以最有利標辦理資訊服務委外案,透過對投標廠商之技術、品質、功能、效益、特性、價格或商業條款等條件作綜合考量後,評選出最優質廠商。 本研究以準用最有利標為研究範圍,整合並釐清以準用最有利標決標方式辦理資訊服務委外案流程面之法令規定、實務操作與運作情形,期望對辦理資訊服務委外之機關與承辦人員有所助益。爰經由參與觀察及文獻應用將準用最有利標作業流程歸納出4個作業階段,分別為計畫申購階段、準備招標階段、招標階段及決標訂約階段。為確實掌握採購進度並避免遺漏,將實務作業流程歸納製成流程圖,並逐一探討各項工作項目之內涵,以利控管各階段、各工作項目與產出文件之先後次序與完整性。另外,藉由工程會公布之錯誤行為態樣釐清整個作業流程之中的關鍵工作項目分別為擬訂招標文件、召開採購評選委員會以審定招標文件與評選優勝廠商、以及價格審議。然而,準用最有利標之議價程序尚有待改善,本研究建議準用最有利標比照適用最有利標之協商機制,與廠商於平等之地位協商修正其規格或報價,或者維持現行作法,但在與廠商議價時,底價應予公開,廠商有權評估後再決定是否依底價承作,即使決定放棄不承作,也不致造成雙方的損失。 為因應工程會持續修訂相關法令規定、文件範本及錯誤行為態樣,並加強對採購進度之控管,本研究建議建立一套結合法令規定與實務操作的採購流程管理系統,將採購過程視為一個專案來管理,流程圖有助於控管各階段、各工作項目之進行,承辦人員依循著工作項目執行,就不必擔心不知道下一步該怎麼作或有所疏漏,承辦主管亦可透過流程圖瞭解進度狀況,如此才能確保採購作業得兼顧防弊與效率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract In recent years, Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan continues to promote and encourage government agencies to adopt the most advantageous tender for contracting out the information services. The Government Procurement Act allows government agencies to select the best suppliers by considering their technology, quality, function, efficiency, characteristic, bid, or commercial terms completeness. This study is based on the most advantageous tender applied mutatis mutandis to investigate the information services outsourcing procedures. By consolidating and clarifying the laws, regulations, practical operations and situations which govern the procedures of information services outsourcing, this study expects to help government agencies and procurement personnel in executing the information services outsourcing procedures. This study found that the operation flow can be grouped to four stages: planning, preparation, invitation to tender, and award of contracts. This study classifies the relevant laws, regulations, model documentation and erroneous behavioral pattern, which are consistently amended by Public Construction Commission, to the above four stages to help procurement personnel be aware of regulations and erroneous behavioral pattern at each stage. In order to control project progresses and avoid uncertainty, this study generalizes the practical operation and draws the flow chart so that the process at every stage and its corresponding output is under control sequentially and inclusively. This study suggests that the most advantageous tender applied mutatis mutandis should follow negotiation mechanism as the most advantageous tender.. Another suggestion is to keep the original way but to disclosure the government estimate in the meantime of price negotiation under single tendering. Then the supplier can estimate and then decide whether to accept the government estimate. In this way huge time and lots of man power from both supplier and government agencies can be saved. Finally, this study suggests to build up the procurement process management system to enhance procurement process control. In addition, this study suggests to use flow charts which can help to control the process in each stage. By following the flow chart, the procurement personnel will be less inclined to missing any important process.en_US
DC.subjectthe most advantageous tender applied mutatis mutandisen_US
DC.subjectinformation services outsourcingen_US
DC.subjectprice negotiationen_US
DC.titleA Study on the Information Services Outsourcing Procedures-Using the Regulations for Most Advantageous Tender Applied Mutatis Mutandisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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