博碩士論文 104453027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract便利商店是以提供少量多樣的商品滿足消費者需求,為提高門市坪效,門市設有小型倉庫,店內各單品存貨低,必須透過每日訂貨後,再由物流進行配送補足,以物流一日一配而言,單一門市明日的營業額,就必須仰賴今日的訂貨,因此便利商店訂貨的重要性已然不言而喻。當消費者所欲購買的商品總是缺貨時,即使再好的服務也無法提升消費者滿意度,亦難以吸引消費者再次上門。要滿足商品齊全的條件,就必須做好訂貨的作業,好的訂貨決策將直接影響門市的競爭優勢及獲利空間。   本研究將探討便利商店業者如何建置一套完善的訂貨機制,以使單店庫存適當及穩定營收為目標,透過個案研究法,以個案公司在連鎖便利商店業「大型店」及「多樣化商品服務」發展下,遭遇無法在訂貨及庫存間精準掌控的問題,以致於總體營業額下降、缺貨率及報廢率增加等問題,進行研究與分析,並以個案公司自動訂貨系統導入為主軸,完成探討五個研究目的,包含人工訂貨流程的困難探討、自動訂貨系統導入過程、導入後遭遇到的挑戰、探討自動訂貨系統導入前後作業流程的改變對組織的影響及分析自動訂貨系統導入後對組織效益。   本研究發現自動訂貨系統導入後,門市不再需要每日訂購全部品項,只需訂購重點列管的商品,有效減少了人工訂貨次數,亦大幅降低了人工訂貨作業的時間及商品缺貨狀況。門市對於新商品訂貨原則較不熟悉,使得新品曝光度下降,自動訂貨系統有效提高新品的存活率,也讓總部與供應商間的合作關係更加鞏固。總部在出貨前一日可提供物流預估訂單,對於物流備貨上有很大助益,尤其遇到門市不常訂購的商品,突然有大量需求時,物流可先緊急向供應商下採購單,以盡可能完成門市的需求。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research will inquire into a convenience store how the operator builds 1 set perfectly ordering the mechanism, with make single store stocks adequacy and stability revenue for target, through the case study method, carry on research and analysis, and with the individual case company automatically order the system ducting for principal axis, complete to inquire into five research purposes, include the artificial the challenges, studies falling among after ordering the difficult study of procedure, automatically order the system ducting processes, ductings automatically order change of the system front and back of the ducting operating procedures to the built-up influence and the analysis automatically order the system ducting behind to the organization efficiency. After this research finds to automatically order the system ducting, the retail sales no longer needed to order all items everyday and only needed the merchandise of ordering the point row tube, effectively reduced the artificial to order the number of times and also significantly reduced time and merchandise that the artificial orders a homework to be out of stock the condition. Retail sales to the new merchandise order the principle don′t a little bit not acquaint with, make the survival rate that the new product exposed to once descend, automatically order the system to effectively raise a new product, also let headquarter and cooperative relation between the suppliers make stronger more. The headquarter can provide the logistics estimate the order on the first before shipment and have to the logistics there is very big help on the goods and particularly come across the retail sales hardly order of merchandise, while suddenly having a great deal of need logistics can first urgent to the purchase order in supplier to possibly complete the need of retail sales.en_US
DC.subjectChain retailen_US
DC.subjectautomatic orderen_US
DC.subjectinventory managementen_US
DC.title連鎖便利商店自動訂貨系統導入個案研究 ─以A 公司為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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