博碩士論文 104454012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-Ju Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract民眾面對自家鄰近於變電所或高壓電塔等鄰避性設施,內心引發擔憂,甚至房價會受到波眨,因而抗爭變電所的設置,故本研究擬探討變電所對鄰近房屋價格之影響性,與距離不同所造成房價影響之差異程度。 本研究選擇臺北市社經條件相符之5處變電所,採用資料其一為內政部不動產交易實價查詢服務網之房屋買賣成交價格資料進行分析;其二為行政院環境保護署之非屬原子能游離輻射管制網提供之電磁波相關資料。並利用地理資訊系統(GIS)軟體,以疊圖功能,篩選出距變電所500公尺內不動產交易樣本,並以特徵價格法(hedonic price method)來探討變電所對房屋價格的影響。 本研究首先將透過文獻回顧與分析得知影響住宅價格的因素,以及蒐集臺北市區住宅價格資料並建立資料庫;透過特徵價格法分析取得因素與住宅價格的關係式,進而得知不同特徵因素在變電所中之影響力,以供未來進行變電所規劃的參考依據,及評估變電所之必要性。根據特徵房價實證模型實證分析指出鄰近於變電所之房地產價格雖有影響,惟非主要原因,變電所一直被列為嫌惡設施之一,不過近年來臺電對於市區不可或缺的變電所採取美化包裝,甚至採用綠化建築,企圖拉高左鄰右舍的好感度。研究根據文獻回顧與實證模型進行相互應證得出,變電所對於房價並不一定會產生直接性影響,結果將應地區而異,故變電所非為影響房價之因素。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract People are often worried that Not-In-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) facilities such as electrical substation and high voltage tower, built nearby their houses, could affect their health or house price. Sometimes, this even results in the protest to the proposed locations of new electrical substation. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of electrical substation and its distance away from local residential area on house price. Based on the same social and economic conditions, five electrical substations in Taipei city, Taiwan, are selected for this study. The sold prices of the nearby houses, within half kilometer distance, obtained from real estate actual transaction price inquiring system of the Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, are compared with the data of the electromagnetic wave, obtained from Environmental Protection Administration by using the spatial analysis of Geographic Information System, GIS. These spatial data are further analyzed by the hedonic price method. This method is a statistical regression analysis modeling that is widely used to estimate the house price that reflect the value of local environmental attributes, especially for studying the economic effectiveness of urban planning. This study first reviews the literature and discusses the factors that might affect the house price. Secondly, the data of the house price in Taipei are collected, then analyzed by using hedonic price method to obtain the correlation between the potential factors and house price, especially the effect of electrical substation. The study will further evaluate this effect on the house price and the necessity of electrical substation, which will severe as a reference for the future planning of electrical substation. The result of hedonic price method shows the location of electrical substation does slightly affect the house price, but it is not a major factor, though the electrical substation has conventionally been considered as one of Not-in-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) facilities. This change might be because the electricity supplier has been trying to beautify the indispensable electrical substation in recent years. From the literature review and the result of the empirical modelling, the study shows that there is no direct influence of the electrical substation on house price in Taipei. As the result, the electrical substation is not a major factor that affects the house price.en_US
DC.subjecthedonic price methoden_US
DC.subjectelectrical substationen_US
DC.subjectGeographic Information System (GIS)en_US
DC.subjecthouse priceen_US
DC.subjectNot-in-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) facilityen_US
DC.title探討變電所對於鄰近房價之影響 - 以臺北市為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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