博碩士論文 104454016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Ying Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract曾經身為全球最大製鞋生產基地的台灣,目前全球仍有約65% 運動鞋由台商所生產,然隨主要生產國家勞力成本提高,加上網路的興起與時代科技的演變,引發運動鞋材及製造流程的變革,以數位化、電腦化和智慧化建構的物聯網及智慧工廠的工業4.0 (Industry 4.0) 概念在世界各地延燒,2015年底Nike與Adidas分別宣布將建造全自動化製鞋工場,當機器人取代人工,也撼動了長久以來依賴大量廉價勞動力的製鞋業廠商及其供應鏈。 本研究運用產業經濟學中的「結構-行為-績效」理論架構分析,從基本條件的供給面及需求面了解產業基本特質;進一步從市場結構、廠商行為與營運績效,拆解產業特色,加上政府政策,進而形塑出運動鞋製造產業現況,另透過優勢廠商的行為及績效,提出未來發展建議。 分析結果顯示,運動鞋製造業已跳脫單純代工的營運模式,在勞動成本持續提升與品牌客戶希望導入全自動化生產的兩大不利因素中,除透過轉移生產地區比重並提高效率與管理外,亦延續過往的研發投入以提供品牌高附加價值角色,在自動化過程中能扮演共同開發而非被動接受甚至被取代。綜合以上,歸納出以下四結論:(一) 因應產品生命週期縮短,運動鞋製造業將逐漸走向大者恆大的產業結構。 (二) 產業核心功能逐件從管理財到管理財與技術財並重。(三) 長期成本管理能力越顯重要。(四) 自動化製鞋工廠的誕生將勢必造成衝擊。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract With the higher labor cost in the major producing countries, coupled with the rise of the Internet and the evolution of science and technology, it leads changing in sports shoes and manufacturing processes. Through the digitalization, computerization, intelligent construction of the Internet of Things and the wisdom of the factory industry 4.0 concept spread throughout the world. At the end of 2015, Nike and Adidas, respectively, announced the construction of fully automated shoes manufacturing workshop, and the development of the industry, When the robot to replace the artificial, it shakes shoes manufacturing industry and its supply chain that rely on a large number of cheap labor cost. This thesis uses the theory of ”Structure-Conduct-Performance” in industrial economics to analyze the basic characteristics of the industry. It begins with the supply side and the demand side of the basic conditions. Further, we can clarify the industry characteristics from the market structure, the behavior of the firms and the performance of the operation. About the government policy, we can shape the status of sports shoes manufacturing industry, and the other advantages of the behavior and performance of manufacturers, put forward future development proposals. Our results indicate that the shoes manufacturing industry has been away from OEM model. Due to higher labor costs and improving automated production, firms not only continuously transfer the proportion of the of production areas and improve efficiency and management, but also continue R & D investment to supply their clients high added value. Through the automation process, the firms can play the role of co-developers, instead of replaced. Comprehensive above, summed up the following four conclusions: (a) due to the shorten product life cycle, sports shoes manufacturing industry will gradually move toward the big industrial structure. (B) the core function of the industry will gradually transit from the management money into management money and technical money both. (C) long-term cost management capacity is more important. (D) the automated shoe factory will inevitably lead to the impacten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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