博碩士論文 104456006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Han Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract面對全球市場環境的變化及客戶需求快速的改變,當新產品於開發階段中需採用較有效率的做法,來提升產品設計的品質,運用最少的資源並在最短的時間內,能對客戶所提出的條件快速反應並設計出符合市場需求的產品,是企業生存的關鍵要素,也是企業成功的的先決條件。失效模式設計審查(Design review base on failure modes,DRBFM)是一個能夠在產品設計階段減少風險發生之設計輔助工具,當實施DRBFM之後,能夠透過早期與客戶的溝通與內部的討論針對設計變更,改善不適當零組件設計的可靠性,來提升產品設計的品質。 本研究以筆記型電腦為例,在產品研發初期,透過經驗豐富的研發團隊偕同客戶,針對產品功能作系統性的分析,失效模式設計審查(Design review base on failure modes, DRBFM)的方法,完成DRBFM資料的分析與評估,協助設計人員在研發設計早期發現潛在性缺陷及評估其影響程度,及早謀求解決之道,以避免產品功能失效的發生或降低其發生時所產生之影響。 該研究所獲致成果,不但增進公司人員對產品規範的知識,改善產品開發設計之品質,同時大幅降低後期設計變更的次數,因此可縮短產品研發週期及節省開發成本。透過事先分析、預防及實際試作檢討,設計出一套完整的研發管理資料,提供後續產品開發或產品移轉之依據。研究中所產生的資料亦可彙整為有用的資料庫,將可以被用作系列產品的更新使用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFacing with changes in environment of the global market and rapid changes in customer needs, the new products development needs efficient approaches to improve product design quality, and also requires the use of minimal resources and shortest time to respond quickly to customer’s requests and design a product that can meet the market demand, which are not only the keys for the enterprises to survive, but also prerequisites for business success. Design review base on failure modes is a tool able to reduce design risk in the product design stage, and after implementation of DRBFM, the reliability of inappropriate component design can be enhance through communication with customers and internal discussion of the design change, so the product design quality will be improved. In this study, I took a notebook computer as an example showing how the experienced R&D team, accompanied by customers, using Design review base on failure modes method for systematic analysis of product features, by the analysis and evaluation DRBFM data designers can find potential defects in the early design stage, assess their impact, and find out the solutions as soon as possible, in order to avoid or reduce the impact of products function failure. The Institute attainable results not only enhance the knowledge of company personnel on product specifications that will improve the quality of product development and design, but also significantly reduce the number of late-stage design changes, so you can shorten product development cycles and reduce development costs. Through a prior analysis, prevention and practical trial for review, we can design a complete set of R&D management database to follow-up when product development or product transfer. The information generated in this study can also be aggregate into a useful database, which will be use as an update for a series of products.en_US
DC.subjectProject Managementen_US
DC.subjectDesign review base on failure modes (DRBFM)en_US
DC.subjectNew Product developmenten_US
DC.subjectDesign Managementen_US
DC.titleThe Application of the Design Review Based on Failure Mode – Notebook as a Caseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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