博碩士論文 104456015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Liang Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract這個世代面對高油價、能源危機、核能安全疑慮、溫室效應及全球暖化之問題日趨嚴重,綠色能源的重要性越來越受重視,也驅使綠色能源的快速成長,逐漸成為全球最重要的新能源。為了邁向2025年非核家園目標,政府積極推動新能源政策,啟動能源轉型,然而在不同產業的發展,因競爭激烈,使得許多系統營運商面臨無法獲利或存在高風險之情況。 為了解再生能源產業之商業模式,本研究以離岸風電、太陽能光電產業之系統營運商為研究對象,並以Osterwaler et al (2010)的商業模式九宮格理論為架構,進行分析台灣離岸風電產業與太陽能產業發展的運營模式。獲得以下發現: 1.外部關鍵夥伴協同合作,以分攤開發成本與風險 就離岸風電而言,受因於技術能耐複雜甚高,因此對於該產品品質的要求也相較於陸域風電嚴格得高;系統營運商必須思索如何與外部的策略夥伴來進行聯盟合作,以分攤開發成本與風險。 2.採躉購費率的收費模式,並簽定長期的供電合約之獲利模式 太陽能發電及離岸風電之獲利來源負責建置發電系統、修繕、及後續營運維護,即能在20年內依照與台電簽署的合約,以經濟部公告的躉購費率售電給台電。就太陽能光電而言,建物所有權人只需要將建物出租給太陽能業者,就能收取租金,以及分享售電利潤。 3.環境評估對離岸風電的發展有高度影響,政府應建立資訊平台 就離岸風電產業而言,由於離岸風場籌設過程,開發者須面對離岸風電的建造、營運等相關環境與社會考量,政府應協助系統整合商共同開發離岸風場相關的技術能耐;同時,政府亦應蒐集離岸風電開發對於漁業、航運、候鳥及海洋生態環境影響之環境情報,以回應利害關係組織。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFaced with high oil prices, energy crisis, nuclear safety concerns, greenhouse effect and global warming, the importance of green energy is getting more and more attention and it also drives the rapid growth of green energy. Green energy becomes the most important new energy in the world. In order to move towards the goal of nuclear-free homeland in 2025, the government actively promotes new energy policies and initiates energy transformation. However, in the development of different industries, due to fierce competition, many system operators face unprofitable or high-risk situations. In order to understand the business model of the renewable energy industry, this research is based on the research of the system operators of offshore wind power and solar energy industry. This study takes Osterwalder et al (2010) business model canvas as a framework to analyze Taiwan′s offshore wind power industry and solar energy industry development mode of operation. Major findings are: 1.External key partners work together to share development costs and risks As far as offshore wind power is concerned, due to the high technical complexity, the requirements for product quality are also stricter than those for land wind power. System operators must think about how to work with externally appropriate strategic partners or alliances to share development costs and risks. 2.Picking up the charging rate of the purchase rate and signing the profit model of the long-term power supply contract The source of profit from solar power and offshore wind power is responsible for the construction of power generation system, repair, and subsequent operation and maintenance. It can be sold to Taipower in accordance with the contract signed with Taipower within 20 years and at the purchase rate announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In the case of solar energy industry, the owner of the building only needs to rent the building to the solar energy industry, and can collect the rent and share the profit from the sale of electricity. 3.Environmental assessment impacts on the development of offshore wind power. The government should establish an integrated information platform As far as the offshore wind power industry is concerned, due to the offshore wind farm preparation process, developers must face environmental and social considerations such as the construction and operation of offshore wind power. The government should assist system integrators to jointly develop offshore wind farm related technologies. At the same time, the government should also collect information on environmental intelligence from offshore wind power development, including fisheries, shipping, migratory birds and marine ecosystems in response to stakeholder organizations.en_US
DC.subjectRenewable Energyen_US
DC.subjectoffshore wind power industryen_US
DC.subjectsolar energy industryen_US
DC.subjectbusiness modelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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