博碩士論文 104458007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShang-Hsiu Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract“一帶一路”的構想,是由中國國家主席習近平在2013年9月及10月份分別提出,即建設新絲綢之路經濟帶和海上絲綢之路。用意在發展一帶一路沿線國家的基礎建設,並且更進一步在經貿上的合作,透過國家的互聯互通,在經濟發展的前提下達到各方都受益的雙贏局面。一帶一路沿途共涉及六十多個國家以上,可解決中國原材料的產能過剩,在供給側改革政策下,產生另外的去化管道,這項宏偉的政策將是未來十年內中國經濟發展上主要的政策之一,將對區域地緣政治及經濟發展產生長遠的影響。 影響一帶一路政策的成功因素多,從各國的經濟發展水平不同,利益不同、自然資源不同、產業發展結構不同、治安狀況不同。在考量多項因素下,在投資重點國家別方面,以蒙古、中亞、俄羅斯、東歐、巴基斯坦、阿拉伯國家是一帶一路戰略的主要核心合作國家。 產業發展方面,一帶一路的重點在於基建、能源及配套服務相關產業。從建設的順序來看,依序為鐵路、公路等基礎設施,再來是相關配套,以原物料及周邊服務行業為主,如水泥、鋼鐵、工程機械、物流、能源交易、金融服務、餐飲旅遊業等等產業,在政策規劃下均出現的發展機遇。 一帶一路所涉及周邊國家多,因利益衝突,企業投資伴隨著各項風險,如政治風險、外交風險、經濟結構風險、貿易保護主義風險、人身財產安全風險,皆是中國企業在海外發展及投資上面可能面臨的風險所在。落實在投資操作上,對企業盈利短期幫助有限,屬於主題式投資機會,本論文旨在深刻理解一帶一路戰略的本質,及在資本市場投資機會的影響與探討。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe concept of "One Belt and One Road" was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in September and October 2013 respectively. We aim to develop the infrastructure of the countries along the Belt and Road and further our cooperation in economic and trade areas to achieve a win-win situation for all parties through the interconnection of countries and economic development. "One Belt and one Road" involves more than 60 countries and regions along the route to solve the overcapacity of raw materials in China. This magnificent policy will be the major one in China′s economic development in the coming decade。 The factors that have an impact on the policy of "One Belt and one Road" are different levels of economic development, different natural resources, different industrial development structures, and different public conditions. Considering a number of factors, in the investment-oriented countries, Mongolia, Central Asia, Russia, Eastern Europe, Pakistan and Arab countries are the main core cooperative countries. In the area of industrial development, "One Belt and one Road" focuses on industries related to infrastructure, energy and ancillary services. Infrastructure such as railways and highways will start first and then will be related facilities, mainly raw materials and peripheral services such as cement, steel, construction machinery, logistics, energy trading, financial services, catering and tourism industries. Various industries will have opportunities for development. There are many neighboring countries involved in the "One Belt and one Road", and corporate management is accompanied by various risks. Implementation of the investment , short-term corporate profits is not helpful, is themed investment opportunities, the purpose of this paper is to profoundly understand the essence of the strategy of the "One Belt and one Road", as well as investment opportunities in the capital market.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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