博碩士論文 104460014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuei-Chih Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以台灣上市公司中唯一的相片印表機企業為個案研究對象,運用鄭漢鐔博士之「8十事業模式」框架分析該企業於公開市場從上櫃轉上市至今,針對外部環境挑戰時,所進行的事業模式之分析與應對,並進行有系統的整理及說明。我們想要研究的問題是:1. 探討現行事業模式的運作下,個案公司的經營困境為何? 2. 個案公司面對外部環境的變化,應如何提出哪些因應對策? 8十事業模式分析方法乃以鄭教授獨創之解析方法,以整套的分析框架,針對該企業之外部狀態:包括國家、產業、競爭對手等,以及企業自身狀態進行整體的營運模式及會計模式分析,找出現有處境,再根據優劣勢及機會威脅所在,開始提出對策,並據以落實執行,最終促成企業的不斷進步。 本研究分析後,認同個案公司的發展應持續研發投入,務必開發完成兩類新產品:1.寬幅(大尺寸)及高速印表機 及 2. Kiosk自助式照相列印亭,以因應市場變化增進版圖,並同時進行內部各項改革。個案公司以兩樣新產品上市將能有效因應當前困境,是基於下列假設前提下:1. 假設品質達到精良水準;2. 假設團隊成員可達融合程度;3. 假設研發成品成功上市;4. 假設客戶願意回頭。 本研究結論為,解析案例公司過往困境找到應注意事項:1. 客戶為王,品質至上;2. 優勢未贏,寧慢勿快;3. 團隊建立,事關發展。最後並建議個案公司未來事業發展,應持續注意以下幾點方能避開困境開創新局:1. 藏功於身,勤磨暗練;2. 專案時程,嚴加控管;3. 擴展用途,涓滴成河。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract This paper analyzes the case company which is the only one to engage in the photo printer industry in Taiwan. It mainly adopts the “8-Cross Business Model” constructed by Dr. Hann-Tarn Jeng to diagnose the difficulties of the firm’s current business model when the enterprise faced the external environmental challenges during the past history. And it alos proposes the countermeasures of case company for future develpoment. The purposes of study are twofold: 1. What are the difficulties of the object under the operation of the present business model? 2. What are the countermeasures should be proposed when the object faces the external environmental changes? It first processes the analysis of the overall operating model and the accounting model for the external state of the enterprise including the nationals, industries, and competitors, etc., and the state of the enterprise itself, therefore finds out the current situation of enterprise; then, it just proposes the countermeasures according to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and implements. This method eventually will lead the enterprise to the continuous progress. After the analyses of this study, we recommend the case company to continuously invest for the further development, and necessary to create two new products: 1. Printers of the wide frame (large size) and high-speed type; 2. Photo printing kiosks of self-service type. It will help to cope with market changes and to increase the market share, as well as to implement the internal reforms at the same time. The case company can cope with the current difficulties effectively by launching two new products to market. It is based on the following assumptions: 1. Suppose the quality is excellent; 2. Suppose the integration of the team members is effective; 3. Suppose the products are completed with successful R&D process and launched for sale; 4. Suppose the customer is willing to come back. The conclusion of this study is to analyze the past dilemma of the object and to find out the keys: 1. The customer is the king, the quality is the first; 2. Not win the advantage, nothing quicker than slowness; 3. Build the good team, for the development. Finally, we recommend the object to continuously pay attention to the following items for the future development in order to avoid any dilemma, and create a new opportunity: 1. Always study and practice hard; Accumulate energy for the body; 2. Manage and control the project schedule strictly; 3. Extend the use; many a little makes a mickle.en_US
DC.subject8-cross business modelen_US
DC.subjectImage printingen_US
DC.subjectPhoto printingen_US
DC.titleUsing the “8-Cross Business Model” to analyze the difficulties and countermeasures of the enterprise which engages in the photo printer equipmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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