博碩士論文 104521051 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuan-Ying Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文提出一套基於深度學習之贓車偵測系統,透過深度學習技 術來實現車款、車色與車牌號碼辨識,再將這些資訊與車籍資料庫比 對,進而完成車籍身分檢測。此系統中採用兩個即時物件偵測網路, 分別為 YOLOv2 與 Tiny YOLO 網路架構,前者網路稱為車種偵測網 路,可以針對車頭外觀識別其車款與車色,即便車頭有角度偏轉仍能 精確判別,本研究讓該網路學習台灣常見的 100 種車款與 11 種車色; 後者網路稱為字元偵測網路,該網路可直接對車牌影像的進行字元辨 識,不同於傳統車牌辨識方法需對車牌進行定位、轉正與字元切割, 此方法更簡潔且強健,不但能識別歪斜、模糊與光線不佳的台灣車牌 號碼,也適用於其他規格的非台灣車牌,像是具有複雜背景圖案的美 國車牌亦能辨識。另外,考量日後新增車款種類之需求,本論文為車 種偵測網路設計一套訓練流程,方便使用者未來擴增網路的學習類別。 本論文為使用者設計兩種使用模式,分別為手機 App 功能與即 時影像分析功能:手機 App 功能讓使用者透過手機相機對戶外車輛 拍照,影像傳至伺服器運算並回傳分析結果,使用者立即得知該車是 否為問題車輛;即時影像分析模式則能用於街道監測,統計監視器中 出現過的車輛,並與資料庫比對來檢查是否為問題車輛。本論文提出 一套完整且強健的贓車偵測系統,由實驗結果可見此系統能於監視器 錄影中同時偵測出多台車輛的車款、車色與車牌號碼,且在不同角度 與光源下仍能使用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents a vehicle detection system with deep learning. We use two detectors based on deep learning, vehicle type detector and plate number detector. The former is customized for model and color classification, and the latter is for License Plate Recognition (LPR). The vehicle type detector is able to predict 100 models and 11 colors in Taiwan, and it takes a whole image as input without cropping car regions, which considerably different from most of the current vehicle type classification methods using cropped car regions as input. In addition, traditional approaches to solve LPR problem typically are broken down into the localization, segmentation, and recognition steps. Rather than doing those preprocess steps, the plate number detector we proposed can operate directly on plate images with high performance in angularly skewed, various light, and low resolution condition. Considering the need for adding new classes for vehicle type detector in the future, we design an auto-labeling flow to automatically create bounding box labels for training. After getting the information of color, model, and plate number, we can search the plate number in the database of registered vehicle to confirm whether information is consistent. In this thesis, we develop two user interfaces (UI) for mobile device and street monitoring respectively. The user can know whether the car is stolen vehicle immediately by photographing it with smartphone camera. Additionally, our system can also achieve real-time video analysis for street monitoring. Notably, from the experimental results, our method is allowed to simultaneously detect all vehicles at one frame, even in skew angle.en_US
DC.subjectdeep learningen_US
DC.subjectstolen vehicle detectionen_US
DC.subjectcar model classificationen_US
DC.subjectcar color classificationen_US
DC.subjectlicense plate recognitionen_US
DC.titleVehicle detection system based on deep learningen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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