博碩士論文 104727005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFeng-Lin Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract性別不是單獨存在的議題,而是同時與各個多元議題相互交織而成的。本文從繼承及其相關問題出發,以性別在這個議題所展現的樣貌為主軸,探討族群、性別、社會文化、法律、與父系體系匯聚後,呈現性別繼承在台灣社會的實際情況。因此本文選擇由桃園地區曾經歷繼承之客家女性做為主要研究對象,她們的經驗是由社會文化、族群、生活地域等多方匯流而成。 台灣的客家族群有明顯的刻板印象,客家女性更是時常被他者化,藉由她們本身的經驗,不僅可以了解客家女性實踐平等家產繼承權的相較於法律制度上保障與真實情況是否有落差?當繼承過程中利益相衝突時,她們如何溝通與協調?更是能夠從實際案例相關探討中,展現台灣客家女性財產繼承的性別樣貌與情況。 每位受訪者在做出協商與選擇時,背後都有許多原因。她們有的為了家庭關係和睦,而不願爭取遺產繼承權、有的在被繼承人生前已經收到不動產贈與、有的繼承人平均分配遺產,但是多數家庭還是由男性直系卑親屬繼承遺產,並且順從男性手足或是長輩意見是最多受訪者選擇之協商方式。台灣父系體系下社會文化的深深影響繼承分配的決策,使得實際繼承樣貌與法律規範之繼承權有所差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGander is a not subject exist all by itself. It interweaves with multiple issues at the same time. This research focuses on the appearance of gender on inheritance and related issues, and then discussing about the relationship between ethnic group, gender, social culture, law, and the patrilineal system with this topic. It presents the actual situation of gender inheritance in Taiwanese society. Therefore, this article chooses Hakka women who have experienced inheritance in Taoyuan area as the main research object. Their experience is formed by the convergence of social culture, ethnic group, and living area. The Hakka groups in Taiwan have obvious stereotypes. Othering Hakka women happen very often and people tend to put more tag on Hakka women. With their experience, we can not only understand whether there is a gap between the inherited relevant laws and the real situation in the practice of equal property inheritance rights? And how do Hakka woman communicate and coordinate when there are conflicts during the inheritance process? With the discussions of actual cases, it can also show the gender profile of property inheritance, in Taiwanese Hakka woman. When the interviewees make negotiations and decisions, there are many different reasons behind that. Some of them are reluctant to fight for the right to inheritance because they want to maintain family harmony. Some have gifted real estate while the deceased still alive. Some heirs divide the estate equally. However, most of cases in interviewees’ families, the male lineal descendants received the inheritance. And the most respondents chose obeying the opinions of male siblings or elders as their negotiation method. In Taiwan, patrilineal system is rooted in the social and cultural, and it deeply influences the decision-making of inheritance, which makes the actual cases different from the legal inheritance rights.en_US
DC.subjectEthnic Groupen_US
DC.subjectProperty Inheritanceen_US
DC.subjectHakka Womenen_US
DC.titleDiscussion on the issue of Female Property Inheritance-Based on the Experience of Hakka Women in Taoyuanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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