博碩士論文 104729009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPo-Cheng Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中平商圈位於桃園市最精華區域中壢火車站前範圍,以中平路徒步區為主軸,近年來素有「桃園西門町」之稱。日治時代當地曾是輕便鐵路重要樞紐,南來北往的雜貨在此集散。近年來在獲得桃園縣政府以及中壢市公所的輔導轉型後,展現新風貌,匯聚著舊有與新潮的各項服飾百貨,展現當地居民生活裡的百態。 為保持既有的產業生命及傳統,並持續傳承與注入創造活水,透過在地居民與店家共同組合而成的商圈發展協會扮演著重要的推手﹐基於研究者本身為商圈協會理事長﹐對於研究主體具有高度熟悉性,也懷抱社會關懷的使命感,希冀透過本研究凝聚社區與商圈向心力﹐並且讓商圈運行更順利﹐不只是創造經濟效益﹐亦能回饋社會。 本研究採行動研究及焦點訪談取向,藉由商圈的會議與活動,了解現階段的共識與需要,且在過程中整合對中平商圈行動方案的建議,另,欲探討已經執行中的活動如何透過行動研究臻於完美,並透過觀察與反省檢視行動方案之成效是否能實質的讓社會大眾融入商圈,並在發揮公益效能的同時使商圈店家產生經濟效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractZhong Ping Shopping District. It has a special name”Taoyuan Ximending area”, locating in Zhongli train station that is a luxurious area in Taoyuan, its economic development relies on Zhong Ping avenue walk and spread all around.Historical data show that had been a importmant railway center in Japanese-Occupied Period, all production, reassurances and supplies be collection and distribution in here.In recent, this area appears new image including original and new business feature,for example cloth or shopping mall, because Taoyuan city and Zhongli city office spend a lot of manpower and material resources to guidance and transforme it. On the other hand, the new image can be represented Zhong Ping habitant lifestyle, too. In order to keep original Industry lifeline, traditional industry, culture heritage and creating running water, it need Zhong Ping habitant and businiess operator to promote and finish this task, so “Marketplace Development Association” become a key role in Zhong Ping development. Thus, based on marketplace development association’s position and be a researcher, not only familiar with organization development subject, but have a big ambitious on social care improvement. I hope this research have these vision, building a team conciseness with community and association, keep system works normally, create economic interest and feedback Taiwan’s society. This research following Focus Group and Action Research, data from association meetings and programs, these research can realize scheduled milestone and need, integrate various plan or program. In addition, I want to discuss how to approach prefect by reviewing previously program, so I use observing and reflecting to examine these program can make general public to participant or not and enhance store economic benefit at the exploit interest effective time.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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