博碩士論文 104757003 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorHsin-Chin Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract生活、文化及政策,三者環環相扣,密不可分。生活促使文化發展,政策改變生活外在面,而文化豐富生活內在面,政策的制訂與執行促進生活美好。因此文化的發展與政策的訂行是否能相輔相成,抑或適得其反,是一個值得你我探究的議題。 客委會專責推動全國客家事務,以復興臺灣日漸流失的客家族群文化為使命,加上《客家基本法》第六條規定,客家人口達三分之一以上之鄉(鎮、市、區),應列為「客家文化重點發展區」。本研究以客委會補助「2013年龍潭大池整體環境規劃與營造計畫」為研究主體,探究龍潭大池於客家文化生活環境營造補助計畫形塑在地生活圈的成效。 本研究使用方法有三:分別為(1)文獻資料分析法、(2)深入訪談法(結合MAXQDA 12質化分析)及(3)航空照片影像判釋分析,以交叉分析研究問題與目的,期能為此研究達到創新發現,並進一步檢視政府推行客家政策之成效。 經由文獻資料分析提供之資訊引以參考借鏡後,於研究發現如下:(一)深入訪談於1.政策執行中,最大的客家元素「人」,形象元素毋須刻意營造,「以人為本」才為最真;此外龍潭大池整建與改變應以生態與發展並重。2.政策評估中,龍潭大池歷史淵源影響著政策;對於政策補助下產生的問題則為活動重於建設、設計觀感不佳及經費等問題,因此施政應便民利民才是好的政策;(二)航照觀測分析興建補助工程前後之差異中,1978年大池與人民生活息息相關,到了2012年大池已轉型為農業灌溉兼備休憩功能,2015年在客委會的補助下,轉以當地居民的使用頻率和活動模式進行整體性規劃設計,使需求更為貼近民眾。 整體言之,在客家政策執行與評估中,龍潭大池整體環境規劃與營造計畫確實符合計畫宗旨,且評估結果為利大於弊的情形。但是多數受訪者一再提及對於大池之上游野溪之重視度欠缺、汙水排放造成水質惡臭與生態問題,及違建佔用尚未處理等問題,期待執政單位能有更周嚴之通盤考量,以得到圓滿之結果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract The complementarity of culture development and policy formulation is an important task because life, culture and policy are closely related. Life facilitates culture development, policies changes the exterior of life, while culture enrich the interior of life, policies formulation and implementation advances life quality. To revitalize Hakka culture, the Hakka Affairs Council is responsible for promoting Hakka affairs. In addition, according to Article 6 of the Hakka Basic Law, the townships (i.e., towns, cities and districts) where have Hakka population more than one-third of its total population shall be Key Hakka Culture Development Areas. This study takes “2013 Longtan Lake Environmental Planning and Construction Program” project funded by Hakka Affair Council as a study case, to investigate the effectiveness of policies formulation and implementation for local living environment. In this study, we use (1) literature analysis method, (2) in-depth interview (with MAXQDA 12 qualitative analysis), and (3) aerial photo interpretation, to cross-analyze the arguments and purpose of this study. We expect innovative discovery, and to further examine the effectiveness of the Government in implementing Hakka policies. The following facts were discovered by referring to literature analysis results: 1) During in-depth-interview, 1. In policies implementation, the most important factor is "people". The other characteristic of Hakka culture has no need to be deliberately described. "People-oriented" is the foundation. Moreover, the construction of Longtan Lake should find the balance between ecology and development. 2. In the assessment of policies, we found that the history of Longtan Lake effect policies formulation; some problems such as more festivals than constructions, bad design and shortage of funds, were observed. Thus the policies implementation should take people’s interests into consideration. 2) From aerial photo interpretation, the differences between before and after construction are: Longtan Lake and people′s lives are closely related since 1978, till year of 2012, and the function of Longtan Lake has been transformed to agricultural irrigation as well as recreation in 2015, funded by Hakka Affair Council, and the design of construction is based on the frequency of local residents’ usage and their activities, to meet people′s needs. Overall, in Hakka policies executing and assessment, the environmental planning and construction plan of Longtan Lake were indeed in line with the purpose of this project, the assessment results show the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. However, many respondents mentioned the lack of attention for the upstream of Longtan Lake, water quality and ecological problems caused by sewage disposal, and the ignorance of illegal occupation, etc. People expect the Government could take more strict considerations in order to achieve successful outcome.en_US
DC.subjectHakka Cultural Development Districten_US
DC.subjectHakka Basic Acten_US
DC.subjectHakka policyen_US
DC.subjectLongtan Lakeen_US
DC.subjectAerial photo interpretationen_US
DC.titleA Study on the Hakka Policy of the Hakka Cultural Development District:A Case of the Longtan Lake Environmental Planning and Construction Programen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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