博碩士論文 104757008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPi-Ching Fuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract客家社區營造涉及了客家族群認同、社區共同體意識、社區永續經營、在地文化保存四個面向,透過社區非營利組織的參與來相互連結。研究者有感於客家地方的特色、文化必須透過社區協助,特色、文化才能傳承下去。故擬以文獻探討的方式來了解非營利組織與社區營造的相關理論,並藉由個案新竹縣寶山鄉新城社區發展協會相關歷史文獻及深度訪談,並且親身體驗,實際了解社區組織推動社區營造之情形,並加以討論社區營造對於社區文化保存之成果貢獻。期望能夠藉由本研究,提供相關單位及人員參考,俾利提升社區營造策略之效益與影響。 社區總體營造是透過社區組織結合政府的公共資源,社區自助互助的方式進行硬體環境的改善,達到居民參與,是一種由下而上的運作過程。社區營造是社區居民自發地投入規畫願景,並推展學習與行動來經營公共事務,不斷地謀求更好生活環境和生活內容,使社區能永續經營,故社區培力是非常重要。故本研究欲從「以資產為基礎的社區發展」模式(ABCD )下與社區培力理論,探究新城社區發展協會成員與社區居民能獲得相互學習與溝通,讓組織朝向自主自立發展。 研究結果發現,新城社區具有豐富的社區資源,包含社會資本、財務資本、政治資本、人力資本、環境資本、文化資本、有形資本。新城社區發展協會善用此社區資產推動社區營造,為製糖文化與歷史背景找尋或創造最富意義的社區意象。基本上,社區資產不僅實現社區成長的目標,透過居民的參與,也可以從不同的角度來重新思考對社區資產的認知,活化社區的資產,達到獲利機制。永續經營的社區,是新城社區發展協會社造的終極目標,妥善連結運用社區與社會資源,推動在地化的關懷照顧。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract The Hakka community involves the Hakka identity, community awareness, sustainable community development, cultural preservation in four aspects which use the participation of community’s Non-Profit Organizations to link each other. Researcher thinks the characteristics of Hakka culture can pass on that must be through community. The study by literature review to understand the theories of Non-Profit Organizations and community development. The case study of HsinCheng Community Development Association on Baoshan Village, Hsinchu Country reviews the related historical documents, in-depth interviews and participation to understand the situations that the associations promote the community development, and to discuss contributions of community development which preservate the community culture. It is expected that this study will provide references to improve the benefits and influences of community development strategies. The community development is through the community organization with the government′s public resources, community self-help way to improve the hardware environment to achieve the participation of residents is a bottom-up operation. The community development is the residents spontaneously invest in the planning vision, and to promote learning and action to operate public affairs, continue to seek a better living environment, so that the community can sustainable operate. Thus, community empowerment is very important. The study concludes the model of the "Asset based community development" (ABCD) and the theory of community empowerment to explore the HsinCheng Community Development Association members and community residents can get mutual learning and communication. Let the Association towards independent development. The results show that HsinCheng Community has rich community capitals, including the social resources, financial capitals, political capitals, human capitals, environmental capitals, cultural capitals and physical capitals. HsinCheng Community Development Association makes good use of the assets to promote community Development , creatingthe most meaningful community image for sugar culture and historical background. Basically, community assets not only achieve the goal of community growth, but also through the participation of residents can have the different ways to view and rethink the understanding of community assets, to activate the community′s assets and to get profitable. The finally goal of HsinCheng Community Development Association is to become sustainable community, properly linked community’s assets and social resources, to promote the care in localization.en_US
DC.subjectHakka Communityen_US
DC.subjectCommunity Developmenten_US
DC.subjectAsset Based Community Developmenten_US
DC.subjectHsinCheng Community Development Associationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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