博碩士論文 104757023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSiang-Min Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文研究材料為近四百年來台灣閩、客族群常用的諺語,以目前所知收錄諺語條數最多、具代表性的諺語典各一為語料來源,閩諺部分為徐福全的《福全台諺語典》,客諺部分為黃永達的《台灣客家俚諺語語典》,希望透過諺語傳達價值、信念的特徵,以較宏觀的視角,對閩、客兩族群的生活態度有較整體的理解及掌握。以這兩本諺語典所收的諺語量,縱不能完全涵蓋該族群所有的諺語,但據以研究所得的結果,應仍可看出兩族群的選擇趨向。   本研究擷取諺語典中反映生活態度的諺語,依其內容分成食衣住行物質、節慶禮俗信仰習慣、保健老年養生、營生、錢財、政治六大主題,進行閩、客比對分析,家族內外的人際觀、婚姻觀及生死命運觀雖也與生活密切相關,然由於諺語量極多,限於篇幅,只能留待有心人接續研究。   研究發現單一主題下各細項的占比,兩族群的關注比例大致接近;內容涉及生理基本需求、人性、基本信念等,如:食衣住行物質─飲食重要性、錢財─財富與人際、營生─做事態度等,兩族群出現較高的相似度;容易受生活環境、條件影響的項目,如:營生─職業、節慶禮俗信仰習慣─信仰、錢財─致富之道等,兩族群出現較多其他觀點,不過多為關注面向的差別,極少有兩族群觀點完全相反的情形。   關於研究結果,諺語反映的族群態度及或可由此推論的族群性格,與原先對閩、客族群的認知大致相同,但或可視為從諺語角度的再一次確認。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe focus of this study concerns commonly used proverbs in the Taiwan Minnan and Hakka communities in the past four hundred years. We selected two most widely used and representative proverb dictionaries as the source of corpus, namely, the “Fu Chuan Minnan Proverb Dictionary” by Hsu Fu-Chuan and the “Taiwan Hakka Proverb Dictionary” by Huang Yong-Da. Through the analysis of proverbs that convey daily values and beliefs of ordinary people, we aim to compare the attitude toward life of the Minnan and Hakka groups in a more comprehensive way. While the amount of proverbs collected in the two proverb dictionaries do not fully cover all the proverbs of the respective ethnic group, we find it sufficient for the purpose of the current study. We draw on and analyze the proverbs that reflect the attitudes of life in the two proverb dictionaries, and divide them into six themes: “food and clothing”, “festivals and customary beliefs”, “health care for the elderly”, “business and living”, “money”, and “politics”. Note that other themes, such as the views of interpersonal relationship, marriage, and life-death destiny, are also closely related to the topic. However, due to the large amount of proverb words involved in those themes, we didn’t include them in the present analysis. Our study shows that the proportion of proverb items under each of the six themes is roughly the same between the two ethnic groups. In particular, the items that involve basic physiological needs, human nature, and basic beliefs (e.g., food importance in “food and clothing”, wealth and interpersonal in “money”, working attitude in “business and living”) have a high degree of similarity between the two ethnic groups. The items that are susceptible to the living environment and conditions (e.g., vocation in “business and living”, faith in “festivals and customary beliefs”, getting rich in “money”) reveal somewhat divergent views concerning the facets, and there are very few cases where the views of the two ethnic groups are completely opposite. To summarize, in this study we compare the ethnic attitudes and personalities of the Minnan and Hakka groups from the perspective of proverb usage. Our results show that the two ethnic groups have similar attitudes toward life. This is consistent with previous studies in the literature.en_US
DC.subjectattitude towards lifeen_US
DC.title台灣閩客諺語反映的生活態度研究: 以徐福全、黃永達之諺語典為本zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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