博碩士論文 105121004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWu-Fan hsuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文以1915-1925年作為時空背景,由於1919年五四運動的興起,促使中國社會產生變化與影響,政治、科學、新式教育、自由戀愛……等等在報刊上成為熱門話題。筆者將「自由戀愛」作為探討的核心,期望藉由觀察與歸納當時愛情的發展,尋索其與新舊文化對話的轉變軌跡。 自由戀愛觀傳入中國的情況,本文首先探討《新青年》中翻譯西方愛情小說的方式,隨著五四運動的盛行,社會上揚起自由、打破舊傳統的新思維,接著聚焦婦女報刊上形成了關於戀愛的討論風潮,並以東西方自由戀愛觀的創辦者愛倫凱、廚川白村作為探討重心,進行分析與闡釋。 再者,接續討論自由戀愛風潮下隱藏起來的那些反對與質疑的聲音。人們針對文藝作品中有關愛情主題者,予以重新詮釋,烙下了時代的印記,折射出當時的社會語境。如易卜生《玩偶之家》、胡適《終身大事》、魯迅《傷逝》。 最後,探討除了上述反對質疑的聲浪,女性聲音也容易被忽視。因為婦女報刊的編撰者多半為男性,故造成厭女的普遍現象。然而女性在婦女報刊上逐漸凝聚成一股新的勢力,進一步嘗試批判並發出自己的聲音。 本論文期望能由報刊輿論回到現場與當時的文化語境,欲呈現不同於五四以降盛行自由戀愛觀的面向,而關注那些被忽略的女性聲音,重新檢視反對與質疑的輿論,並企圖重構複數的記憶與歷史。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper takes A.D. 1915 to A.D. 1925 as the background of space-time. As a result of the rise of the May Fourth Movement in A.D. 1919, which brought about changes and influences in Chinese society.including politics, science, new education, and free love. And so on became a hot topic in the press. The author takes 「free love」 as the core of the discussion, and hopes that by observing and summarizing the development of love at that time,hopes to find the transformation trajectory of its dialogue with the old and new culture. The introduction of the concept of free love into China, this article first discusses “new youth” in the translation of western romance novel way, along with the popularity of the May Fourth Movement, the social gains freedom, break the old traditional new thinking, then focus on women′s newspapers and magazines discussion of love, and east of the western free love, the founder of Ellen Karolina Sofia Key, Kuriyagawa Hakuson village as the center of gravity analysis and interpretation. Moreover, In the discussion the voices of opposition and doubt that are hidden in the tide of free love. People against for literary and artistic works, related the theme of love has been reinterpreted, imprinted on the imprint of the times, and reflects the social context of the time. for example, Henrik Johan Ibsen “A Doll′s House”, Hu Shih“A Great Event in One′s Life”, and Lu Xun“Regret for the Past”. Finally, To discuss in addition to the above objections, women′s voices are also easily to ignore. Because the editors of women′s newspapers and magazines are mostly men, which leads to widespread misogyny. And women in the women′s press gradually coalesged into a new force, take it a step further and began to try to criticize and have their own voice. This paper hopes to return to the scene and the cultural context by the press, to present a different from May Fourth Movement to reduce the prevailing view of free love, and pay attention to those ignored female voices, re-examine the opposition and questioning of public opinion, and attempt to reconstruct the plural memory and history. Keywords:free,in love, Shanghai in the Early Republic of China, Women′s newspa-pers and magazines, May Fourth Movement, misogynyen_US
DC.titleResearch on the Concept of “Free Love ” in Shanghai Women′s Newspapers and Magazines in the Early Republic of China (1915-1925)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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