博碩士論文 105121015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Fang Chengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract教育為國家、社會發展的基礎,亦為基本人權之一,更是人才培育的搖籃。因應社會發展需求,十二年國民基本教育(以下簡稱「十二年國教」)乃時勢所趨。民國一○三年(2014)年十一月,教育部正式頒布以核心素養為導向的〈十二年國民基本教育課程綱要‧總綱〉,並據此修訂各教育領域課程綱要(以下簡稱「課綱」),於一○八學年度(2019年8月)實施,乃是我國自九年國民義務教育延長為十二年的重大教育變革。而語文領域當中的國語文為國家教育之根本,是日常溝通語言、通用文字,亦為各種教學傳遞之基礎語言,其內涵涵括了「文字」、「文學」與「文化」三要素,各界對於涉及國家主要語言教育的國語文教學定位懷有不同期待,因此於課綱研修、審議期間多有爭議。其中,又以普通型高級中等學校(即「第五學習階段」,以下簡稱「普高」)為首當其衝之學習階段,整體發展宜視為一學術研究論題探討之。   由此,本論文聚焦於十二年國教於普高國語文領域課綱研修歷程的意義與影響,共分五章:第一章為緒論,第二至四章為本論,並以第五章結論作結,計約九萬字。本論第二至四章略述如下:   第二章以十二年國教普高國語文課綱之研修為主,探討國家教育研究院十二年國教課程研究發展會的組織與運作對於普高國語文課綱研修之影響,並經由與現行之〈普通高級中學國文課程綱要部份修正〉(以下依實施學年簡稱〈一○一課綱〉)對照,呈顯〈十二年國民基本教育課程綱要‧國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校‧語文領域─國語文(草案)〉(以下依預計實施學年簡稱〈一○七課綱草案〉)的研修特色,以探究〈一○一課綱〉過渡至〈一○七課綱草案〉於研修之初的異同,以及十二年國教課綱研修的意義與影響。   第三章以十二年國教普高國語文課綱之審議為主,探討教育部高級中等以下學校課程審議會(以下簡稱「課審會」)的組織與運作對於普高國語文課綱之影響,並以社會言論與文學視角分為二節,一聚焦歷久以來關於中國意識與臺灣意識間之爭執,及十二年國教研修以來對於實用、競爭力等相關議題的探論,二則試以文學之本質探究國語文課綱爭議中的文言文與白話文議題,並對照〈一○七課綱草案〉與民國一○七年(2018)一月定案後之〈十二年國民基本教育課程綱要‧國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校‧語文領域─國語文〉(以下依預計實施學年簡稱〈一○八課綱〉),突顯歷經種種社會討論及課審會決議後的異同,以及十二年國教課綱審議的意義與影響。   第四章鎖定十二年國教普高國語文課綱定案後至實施前相關之發展與準備,經由官方視角所編定之《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要‧國民中小學暨普通高級中等學校‧語文領域‧國語文課程手冊》以見其規劃與執行,並探討課程編制、教材編選、教學準備等面向之發展。   整體而言,本論文以〈一○一課綱〉、〈一○七課綱草案〉、〈一○八課綱〉為主要探討對象,展演十二年國教普高國語文課綱的研修歷程,期能提供十二年國教普高國語文課綱於理想與實行的具體內涵、意義及統整性相關論述,為國語文教育略盡棉薄之力。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEducation, one of the basic human rights, is the fundamental development of a country and society, even the cradle of cultivating talented people. Under the demand of social development, 12-Year Basic Education (hereinafter called “12-Year BE”) is the trends of the day. In November 2014, Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education──General Guidelines, which is oriented by the core competencies, was officially issued by the Ministry of Education. According to the General Guidelines, it revises the curriculum guidelines in each educational domain and will be practiced in the 2019 academic year. It can be regarded as a significant educational reform in Taiwan that extended from the Nine-Year Compulsory Education to 12-Year. Furthermore, in languages domain, Mandarin is the foundation of national education, daily communication and common characters, also the basic language of various teaching delivery. It includes three elements, “textual characters”, “literature” and “culture”. People from all walks of life have different expectations for the orientation of Mandarin teaching. Therefore, it has occurred several debates during the revisions and deliberations of the curriculum guidelines. Among the disputation, the first to feel the effects is the learning stage of General Senior High School (as “the fifth learning stage”, hereinafter called “GSHS”). Hence, the overall development should be viewed as an academic research topic. Consequently, this paper will focus on the meaning and impact through the process of revision of 12-Year BE in Curriculum Guidelines of Mandarin in GSHS (hereinafter called “CGM in GSHS”). It is divided into five chapters; Chapter One is the introduction, Chapter Two to Chapter Four are the theories, and the conclusion in Chapter Five as the end, approximately 90,000 words. Chapter Two to Chapter Four are outlined as follows. Chapter Two is centralized on the revision of 12-Year BE in CGM in GSHS, looking into the organization and operation of the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Research and Development Committee of the National Academy of Educational Research (NAER) on the influence of the revision in CGM in GSHS. Through the comparison with current implemented Partial Amendments of CGM in GSHS (according to the implementation of the academic year, hereinafter called “Curriculum Guidelines in the 2012 Academic Year”), it shows the features in the revision of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education in National Primary and Secondary Schools and General Senior High School in Language Domain──Mandarin (draft) (according to the estimated implementation of the academic year, hereinafter called “Draft of Curriculum Guidelines in the 2018 Academic Year”) to explore the similarities and differences at the beginning of the revision, from Curriculum Guidelines in the 2012 Academic Year to Draft of Curriculum Guidelines in the 2018 Academic Year, and the meaning and influence of the revision of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year BE. Chapter Three concentrates on the deliberation of 12-Year BE in CGM in GSHS, considering the organization and operation under the Curriculum Review Committee of Schools of Secondary Education, Elementary Education, and Kindergartens under the Ministry of Education (hereinafter called “CRC”) on the influence of CGM in GSHS. By applying two sections, which are from the perspective of social debates and literature. The former is the core of the controversy between the long-lasting awareness of mainland China and Taiwan and the related issue debates of the revision of 12-Year BE, involving practical use, competitiveness, etc. The latter is using the essence of literature to develop the issue between classical Mandarin and vernacular Mandarin under the debate of CGM. Meanwhile, comparing Draft of Curriculum Guidelines in the 2018 Academic Year to Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education in National Primary and Secondary Schools and General Senior High School in Language Domain──Mandarin (according to the estimated implementation of the academic year, hereinafter called “Curriculum Guidelines in the 2019 Academic Year”), it highlights the various social discussions and the similarities and differences between the CRC after the resolution; still, it consists of the signification and influence of the deliberation of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year BE. Chapter Four identifies the development and preparation after the finalization to the implementation of 12-Year BE in CGM in GSHS. Be approved by the officially defined “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education in National Primary and Secondary Schools and General Senior High School in Language Domain──Mandarin Course Handbook”, it reveals its arrangement and execution along with the discussions of curriculum development, textbook edition and selection, teaching preparation and other aspects. Overall, this paper mainly discusses on Curriculum Guidelines in the 2012 Academic Year, Draft of Curriculum Guidelines in the 2018 Academic Year, and Curriculum Guidelines in the 2019 Academic Year. On presenting the revision of 12-Year BE in CGM in GSHS, I hope to provide a concrete, meaningful, and integrated dissertation of 12-Year BE in CGM in GSHS in both ideal and practical level only to contribute the least I could do to Mandarin education.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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