博碩士論文 105155011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chi Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract蜜蜂是大自然的生物,存在的年代已經相當久遠,人類自遠古時期就會尋找蜂巢,挖鑿蜂蜜以獲取熱量的補充,所以在蔗作與甜菜根還未被發現時,蜂蜜是人類最早甜滋味來源。在古世紀的中西文化中,蜂蜜被視為相當珍貴的食品,多半是貴族才能擁有中國藥學發達之際,也發現蜂蜜的功效頗大,於是養蜂便順勢興起,到了明清時期,中國養蜂已十分興盛,蜂蜜甚至可以當作土貢,抵用賦稅。而台灣的養蜂自清康熙移民 開始,不過當時並沒有進步的養蜂與採蜜技術,多半是自產自給,較好的蜜則賣給藥種店。所以在清治時期,台灣蜂蜜仍是被當作藥療的食材,由於臺灣蔗糖產業發達,蜂蜜的使用並不普及。 日本政府來台後,極力推廣養蜂事業,也開始在殖民地上調查是否適宜養蜂,並且引進優良的義大利蜂種。在大正七年形成一股熱潮,但農民只覺得有利可圖,便大量購買蜂種,沒顧及到蜂種的品質,在日本戰敗後,養蜂也宣告失敗。一直到美援時期,透過美國的協助,引進產蜜量高的黃金種,以及蜂王漿的採收技術,養蜂才又逐漸振興,由於蜂王漿的外銷價格高,台灣養蜂戶也紛紛加入採收蜂王漿,從此台灣養蜂進 入專業化。但後來由於中國也加入蜂王漿的外銷市場,導致蜂王漿供過於求,價格下跌不敷成本,蜂農紛紛轉業,在民國77年,是臺灣養蜂產業最低潮的時期。 後來政府設立蠶蜂業改良場,針對過去養蜂的問題及弊病做改良與檢討,同時結合相關研究單位研發蜂產品,以及提升蜜蜂的價值與蜂農的養蜂技術。但養蜂產業的發展仍需要天然環境的豐富蜜源植物以及市場,故保護環境,減少使用農藥,才能使蜜蜂健康的生存,也才能有效推廣臺灣的蜂產品。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBees are natural beings which have existed for a long period of time. Human beings started to search for honeycomb to obtain energy from honey in ancient times. As a result, honey was the earliest source of sweet before sugar cane and beetroot were discovered. In the ancient century, honey was regarded as precious food which only nobles could own. During the development of Chinese pharmacy, beekeeping industry was rising due to the discovery of the powerful effects of honey. In the period of Ming and Qing Dynasty, beekeeping in China was prosperous, and honey was even a tribute to deduct taxes. The apiculture in Taiwan started with the immigrants from China in Qing Emperor Kangxi period. However, there were not progressive beekeeping and honey collecting techniques at that time. Besides, most of the honey produce was usually self-sufficiency, and the better produce of honey was sold to the pharmacy. Therefore, honey in Taiwan was still viewed as an ingredient of medication, and the use of it was not common because of the development of sucrose industry. After coming Twain, the Japanese government positively promoted the development of beekeeping industry, began to survey whether it was suitable for beekeeping in Taiwan, a Japanese colony, and introduced quality Italian bee species. Beekeeping industry became a trend in the seventh year of Taisho Democracy in Japan. However, it failed after the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II because farmers in Taiwan bought too many honey bee species without considering the quality of them after knowing the profit of beekeeping. During the period of US aid (1951-1965), by the assistance of America, farmers in Taiwan introduced high honey yielding honeybees from America and the techniques of collecting bees’ royal jelly, so beekeeping industry gradually revitalized. Due to the high profit of exporting royal jelly, beekeepers in Taiwan one by one joined the collection of royal jelly and beekeeping industry became professionalized from then on. However, beekeepers transferred to other industries in 1988, the worst period of timefor beekeeping industry in Taiwan, since beekeepers in Mainland China joined the export market of royal jelly and cause the result of oversupply and low price for royal jelly. Since that, Taiwan government set the agricultural improvement station for silkworms and honeybees in order to solve the problems and disadvantages of beekeeping in the past. At the same time, the government cooperated with relevant research department for the research and development of bee products in order to promote the value of bees and improve beekeepers’ beekeeping technology. However, the development of beekeeping industry still need the market and abundant nectariferous plants in the natural environment. As a result, protecting the natural environment and decreasing the use of pesticides will not only make honeybees healthy and survive, but also effectively promote bee products in Taiwan.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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