博碩士論文 105155020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorEllis Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract詹金益,一位「只堅持做對的事」之臺灣一貫道點傳師;追隨其理念之信仰踐行者,迄今已有上千名;他是桃園市「公益寺廟」連續獲獎的中壢天德堂創辦人,替桃園及花東兩地的社會教化志業暨族群融合有所貢獻。本文旨在探討誕生於日本統治時期,在桃園市中壢區成長的詹金益,面對異族統治、政權轉變、宗教箝制、時代潮流等外在環境的重重考驗,支持他的內在正向思考是什麼?其應對作為又各為何?而淑世的一貫志業是如何傳播於桃園及花東兩地?最後其成為鄉親敬重的:實踐「聖凡雙修」之賢人哲士。 綜觀詹金益的一生,研究結論如下:隨著外在大環境的轉變,其服務鄉親的方式亦跟著住民的需求而做調整,先是提升心靈的點傳(導)師;接著是理性「臺灣意識」的啟蒙師傅;又踐行「聖凡雙修」而成就眾多道化家庭;然後開啟經典注疏,寫書宣講一貫道義;最後則是創辦公共佛堂以造福鄉里。地理範圍由桃園縣進展到花蓮、臺東兩縣,對象也由親朋好友擴增至非親非故;雖然對象及距離不斷擴大,但一直不變的是其為道不二的真心與虔誠;他是為道犧牲奉獻之勇者、以身教成全20餘位家人共組道化家庭之智者及言行一致協助上百位壇主成就彼等道化家庭且步向修行路之仁者。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractZhan Jin-Yi, an I-kuan Tao Transmitting Master who insisted in doing the right thing, was born in Japanese-ruled period and grown up in Zhongli District. He was the founder of Zhongli Tian De Tang, not only be awarded several prizes for Certification of Charitable Temples in Taoyuan, but also integrated Taiwanese and Hakka in Taoyuan, Hualien and Taitung into a society which had same social consciousness. Until now, he had thousands of followers. This thesis aims to investigate when facing challenges such as leading by Japanese, regime transition, religious restraint, different trends by times, and discrimination by government, what kind of mindset did Zhan Jin-Yi take? What actions did he take? And how did those actions lead him to become a master of dual cultivation of sacred and secular(sheng fan shuangxing聖凡雙修) ? The research concludes that, Zhan Jin-Yi kept adapting himself to local folks needs. He started with being a transmitting master who aimed to enhance people’s mindset. Next, he enlightened people on the concept of “Taiwan First” instead of “China First”. More over, he internalized the spirit of sheng fan shuangxing and encouraged lots of families to follow principles of I-kuan Tao for at least three generations. He also wrote books and add comments on classics to expressed I-kuan Tao spirit. Finally, He established public temples first in Zhongli district, and expanded to Hualien and Taitung; inspired people from relatives and friends to all kind of people. Even the scope and people inspired by him had getting larger, his attitude of contributing himself for I-kuan Tao had never changed. Through his life experience, we can said that Zhan Jin-Yi is a person with brave heart to dedicate his life for Tao. en_US
DC.subjectZhan Jin-Yien_US
DC.subjectdual cultivation of sacred and secularen_US
DC.subjectI-kuan Tao Transmitting Masteren_US
DC.subjectI-kuan Tao Familyen_US
DC.titleActual Practice of Dual Cultivation of Sacred and Secular: The Research of I-kuan Tao Jichu-Zhongshu Zhan Jin-Yien_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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