博碩士論文 105155022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHuang Chun Huaen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract福康安出身勳門之後,先祖來自滿洲沙濟地方富察氏,其率族人追隨清太祖打天下,崇德、順治和康熙朝時皆有功於朝廷。福康安因姑姑孝賢皇后成為椒房貴戚,又是乾隆股肱大臣傅恆之子,自幼在宮中受乾隆親自教養,故與乾隆關係緊密。   福康安自二十六歲起,歷任雲貴、四川、陝甘、兩廣、閩浙總督,又經歷乾隆朝中後期重要戰役―大小金川、石峰堡、臺灣林爽文、廓爾喀、黔湘苗民戰爭,且成功「招降」安南阮氏,生前立功受賞無數,死後所享殊榮堪比前代,也成為乾隆朝的創典。   乾隆對福康安特別的眷恩,與福康安奮勇、勤勞和本身的軍事能力,使福康安死後得以按宗室之例封為郡王,得建專祠和配饗太廟,成為清朝滿漢眾臣中少有的異數。福康安功過評價,自清代到現代褒貶不一,所受恩寵、封爵和功過是否與其相埒,恐怕見仁見智。   本文章節架構除緒論及結論外,正文共分三章。第一章為福康安家世背景、福康安生平與乾隆關係。第二章和第三章依序介紹大小金川戰役、石峰堡戰役、臺灣林爽文事件、安南事件、廓爾喀戰役和黔湘苗民戰爭的背景經過,及福康安在其中扮演的角色。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFuk’anggan was born into aclan which hadmade honorable contributions to the Qing empire.He descended from the lineage of the Fuca family of Shaji, Manchuria, which had led their people to follow Nurhaci in his conquest of China. The family also served in the courts during the Chongde, Shunzhi and Kangxi eras.Fuk’anggan’s aunt was Empress Xiaoxianchun,and his father was a favored official of the Qianlong Emperor.Since young, he was raised by Qianlong himself in the palace, and was very close tohim.   Since the age of 26, Fuk’angganheld various offices as the viceroy of Yunnan, Sichuan, Shanxi, Gansu, Liangguang, and Min-Zhe. During the middle to late years of Qianlong’s reign, he fought in the major battles of the Jinchuan campaigns, Shifengbao, Lin Shuangwen event, Gurkha War, and the Miao people war in Hunan and Guizhou provinces. He was also instrumental in the surrender of the Nyugens of Annam. He received much acclaim and rewards for his meritorious deeds in his lifetime. After his death, the honor bestowed on him was none any lesser than that of his noble ancestors, and which was unprecedented during Qianlong’s reign.   He was granted the posthumous royal title of prince, had a special ancestral shrine built for him, and his spirit tablet was allowed to be worshipped in the royal ancestral temple.Such treatment was incredibly rare among the Manchu and Han officials of the Qing dynasty.A combination of factors could be attributed, that of Qianlong′s partiality and benevolence towards Fuk’anggan, as well as his courage, diligence and military capabilities.Since the Qing dynasty, there have been numerous debates over the achievements of Fuk’anggan and whether they merit such commendations. The perspectives adopted differ for the individual.   This paper consists of an introduction, main body, and a conclusion. The main body comprises three sections. The first section sets out Fuk’anggan’s family background, achievements in his lifetime and his relationship with Qianlong. The next two sections present a chronological introduction of the Jinchuan campaigns, Shifengbao, Lin Shuangwen event, Annam War, Gurkha War and the Miao peoole war in Hunan and Guizhou provinces. The role played by Fuk’anggan in these battles is also examined. en_US
DC.subjectFu Kanganen_US
DC.subjectQianlong Emperoren_US
DC.subjectTen Great Campaignsen_US
DC.subjectChinese Viceroyen_US
DC.titleA study on Fuk’anggan Achievements in His Lifetimeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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