博碩士論文 105223013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChang-Hui Choen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要開發具硫醚鏈及硒醚鏈之有機薄膜電晶體?吩材料, 在硫醚鏈系列中開發出 n 型材料 TSBTQ 與 p 型材料 DDTTDSDTT 。在硒醚鏈系列中,開發出以 SeBT 為核心之多個 p 型小分 子材料。 本實驗室之前已開發具四硫醚鏈之 n 型分子 TSBTQ-6 與 TSBTQ-14,其硫醚鏈分別為 C6H13 與 C14H29,兩者元件電性分別已 具 0.10 cm2V-1s-1 和 0.14 cm2V-1s-1。本研究繼續探討硫醚碳鏈之鏈長 效應,開發出硫醚鏈為 C10H21 之 TSBTQ-10 (1),藉由溶液製程 (shearing) 此新材料製成元件之電性可達 0.18 cm2V-1s-1,為此系列之 最高效能小分子。 另外本實驗室之前已開發具雙硫醚鏈 C10H21 之 p 型分子 DSDTT-10,元件電性可達 2.6 cm2V-1s-1。本研究繼續探討硫醚碳鏈 之鏈長效應,開發出硫醚鏈為 C8H17 之 DSDTT-8 (2),藉由溶液製 程 (shearing) 此新材料製成元件之電性更高達 3.2 cm2V-1s-1,為此系 列之最高效能小分子。從所獲得之 DSDTT-10 與 DSDTT-8 之單晶 結構中我們發現引入硫原子於鏈中可幫助分子堆疊。且因硫醚鏈位於 同側,使得 DSDTT 核心可倆倆併排成”雙筒堆疊”,有利載子之傳遞。 本實驗室之前已開發具雙硫醚鏈 C14H29 之 p 型分子 SBT-14, 元件電性可達 1.7 cm2V-1s-1。本研究以此核心為板模,以硒取代硫原 子,開發出具硒醚鏈之 SeBT 新核心,為探討共軛與硒醚碳鏈之鏈長 效應,開發出五個 p 型小分子材料。從所獲得之 DDTT-SeBT-10 與 DDTT-SeBT-14 之單晶結構中我們發現引入硒原子於鏈中可幫助分 ii 子堆疊,使得分子間以磚型堆疊,有利載子之傳遞。其中 DDTTSeBT- 14 具有優異之電性表現高達 4.0 cm2V-1s-1,為目前台灣本土所 開發之可溶性 p 型有機薄膜電晶體小分子之溶液製程最高電性紀錄。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNew small molecules based on TSBT, DSDTT, and SeBT cores have been synthesized for organic thin film transistors (OTFTs). For the first TSBT series, n-type TSBTQ-14 (TSBTQ with C14H29 chains) and TSBTQ-6 (TSBTQ with C6H13 chains) exhibited mobility of 0.14 cm2V-1s-1 and 0.10 cm2V-1s-1. To further complete the side chains effect study, TSBTQ-10 (1; TSBTQ with C10H21 chains) was synthesized and characterized. Via solution shearing, TSBT-10 exhibits the best mobility up to 0.18 cm2V-1s-1 in this series. For the second DSDTT series, DDTT-DSDTT-10 (DSDTT with C10H21 chains) exhibited high mobility 2.6 cm2V-1s-1. To further complete the side chains effect study, DDTT-DSDTT-8 (2; with C8H17 chains) was synthesized and characterized. Via solution shearing, DDTT-DSDTT-8 demonstrates the best mobility up to 3.2 cm2V-1s-1. Both molecular structures of DSDTTs were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction and exhibits two parallel face-to-face columnar stacking’s with a very close interplanar core distance of 3.6 A . For the third series, a couple new small molecules based on the selenylated bithiophene (SeBT) with different end-capped aromatic groups and alkyl chains were developed. DDTT-SeBT-14 (7; with C14H29 chains) exhibits the highest mobility of 4.00 cm2V-1s-1 via solution shearing. The molecular structures of DDTT-SeBT-14 and DDTT-SeBT-10 (6) were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction and showed brick-type iv molecular stacking.en_US
DC.subjectOrganic Thin Film Transistorsen_US
DC.titleDevelopment of Solution Processable Thioalkylated and Selenalkylated Thiophenes for Small Molecular Organic Thin Film Transistorsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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