博碩士論文 105226024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPo-Shyang Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,隨著人口老化比例上升與人口肥胖比例的上升,因此心血管疾病(Cardiovascular Disease, CVD)罹患人口比例有日益漸增並且年齡層呈現下降的趨勢。因此若能有更即時、更便利的對血壓做出監控的方法,即能有效地對心血管疾病做出預防。此外,隨著穿戴式裝置的興起,若能透過穿戴式裝置監控即時的生理訊號無疑是一個預防心血管疾病的一種方法。因此,本篇將探討適合使用穿戴式裝置的部位,與其取得的訊號與生理資訊的準確性與比較。 本論文利用反射式光體積變化描記法(Photoplethysmography, PPG),去探討人體內的血管動脈運作時反映出來的生理訊號。並應用以白努力定律(Bernoulli′s principle)為計算基礎,所推導出的生理指標參數ΔRI (Delta Reflection Index, ΔRI)量測法,去作血壓(Blood Pressure, BP)估算。 並應用四種單波長(530nm,650nm,850nm,940nm) 之LED(Light-Emitting Diode),量測手指近端指節(proximal part of finger)與手腕的橈動脈(radial artery)處,對其做出波形穩定性分析後,再以530nm與940nm之LED燈泡為光源做血壓估算實驗,並與手指指尖(fingertip)部分之實驗比較。 實驗結果顯示,在指尖處以535nm為光源量測進行血壓估算,收縮壓誤差為4.7±1.5%以及舒張壓誤差為5±1.5%;在手腕處以940nm為光源之量測具有較高的波形穩定度,以及較低的血壓量測誤差。其收縮壓誤差值為5±0.5%以及舒張壓誤差值為5±1%;而在手指近端指節部分,其波形的穩定度與血壓的誤差值在以530nm與940nm兩者為光源之量測下具有差不多之效果,兩者收縮壓誤差範圍為7±2%,舒張壓誤差範圍為9±2%。其血壓估算可靠性較低。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, as the proportion of population ageing increases and the proportion of obesity in the population increases, the proportion of cardiovascular disease (CVD) population is increasing and the age group is declining. If there is a more immediate and convenient way to monitor blood pressure, it can effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases. with the rise of wearable devices, monitoring the immediate physiological signals through wearable devices is undoubtedly a way to prevent cardiovascular disease. Therefore, this article will explore the accuracy and comparison of the signals and physiological information obtained from the wearable device. In this thesis, we use reflectance Photoplethysmography (PPG) to explore the physiological signals reflected by the operation of vascular arteries in the human body. Based on the calculation of Bernoulli′s principle, the physiological parameter ΔRI (Delta Reflection Index, ΔRI) is used to estimate the blood pressure. Four single-wavelength (530nm, 650nm, 850nm, 940nm) LEDs (Light-Emitting Diode) are used to measure the proximal part of the finger and the radial artery at the wrist. After the waveform stability analysis, the blood pressure estimation experiment was carried out with the LED bulbs of 530 nm and 940 nm as the light source, and compared with the experiment of the fingertip part. As a result of the experiment, the measurement of the 940 nm as the light source at the wrist has a high waveform stability and a low blood pressure measurement error. The SBP error value is 5±0.5% and the DBP error value is 5±1%. In the proximal part of the finger, the waveform stability and blood pressure error value have similar effects under the measurement of 530nm and 940nm. The SBP error range is 7±2% and the DBP error range is 9 ± 2%. Its blood pressure estimation is less reliable.en_US
DC.subjectBlood Pressureen_US
DC.titleAnalyze of Waveform Signal and Estimate of Blood Pressure Based on Photoplethysmography at the Wrist and the Finger by Using Several Single Wavelength Light-Emitting Diodeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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