博碩士論文 105229005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJian-Fong Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract因為人們對宇宙無止盡的好奇心與科技的快速進展,全球的地面望遠鏡建造得愈來愈大。由於成像系統的進步,如今我們可以觀測到更暗的天體,也就是天體可以在離地球更遠處被偵測到。為了避免具毀滅性的小行星撞擊地球而導致人類文明的滅亡,我們需要持續地監測可能威脅地球的潛在危險天體 (Potentially Hazardous Object)。然而,潛在危險天體的運行軌道需要先被確認與預測,以提供人類足夠的時間面對將臨的危機。 此論文研究目標為使一望遠鏡能夠對列於近地天體確認頁 (Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page,由隸屬於國際天文學聯合會 (International Astronomical Union) 的 小行星中心 (Minor Planet Center) 管理) cite{aNEOCP} cite{oNEOCP} 的待確認近地天體 (Near-Earth Objects) 做全自動的追蹤觀測,並代表台灣成為國際小行星預警網的一份子。 於民國一百零六年十月,我們在台灣的鹿林天文台安裝鹿林廣角望遠鏡 (Lulin Widefield Telescope,簡稱 LWT),為一台 Officina Stellare 公司製造且型號為 RiFast 400 cite{telescope} 的 40 公分口徑望遠鏡,專門做近地天體的追蹤觀測。LWT 配有一台 Finger Lakes Instrumentation 公司製造且型號為 ProLine cite{camera} PL16803 的 CCD 相機,提供視野約 2 平方度 (1.4$^{circ}$ $ imes$ 1.4$^{circ}$),適合追蹤未確定軌道的近地天體。 我們將詳細介紹 LWT 望遠鏡系統的軟硬體、相機的各種特性如增益值、讀出雜訊、暗電流和線性範圍、望遠鏡地點的品質如天空背景亮度和 extit{B} 與 extit{V} 波段的極限星等、自動化運作的設計:從追蹤觀測到資料分析與傳送近地天體的天體測量觀測報告給小行星中心,以及未來的系統升級或擴展研究目標到時序天文學的其他領域的未來計畫。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThanks to human beings′ endless curiosity about the universe and advances in technology, ground-based telescopes around the world are constructed larger and larger. As a result of the imaging system has been significantly improved, we nowadays are able to observe much fainter celestial objects, i.e. the objects can be discovered at much longer distance from Earth. In order to avoid the demise of human civilization owing to devastating asteroids, we need to keep monitoring the potentially hazardous object (PHO) that may threaten Earth. However, the prerequisite is to confirm and predict their orbits so as for sufficient time to prepare for the incoming risks. The goal of this paper is to make a telescope automatically follow up the unconfirmed Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) in the Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page (NEOCP) cite{aNEOCP} cite{oNEOCP} of the Minor Planet Center (MPC) which belongs to the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and participate in the global asteroid warning network on behalf of Taiwan. We introduced the Lulin Widefield Telescope (LWT), a SI{0.40}{meter} Officina Stellare 400 RiFast Astrograph cite{telescope} installed at the Lulin Observatory, Taiwan, in October 2017, to focus on the follow-up observation of the NEOs. The telescope is equipped with a FLI ProLine cite{camera} PL16803 Monochrome CCD camera, which offers a field of view of about 2 degree squared (1.4$^{circ}$ $ imes$ 1.4$^{circ}$) especially for tracking the NEOs with uncertain orbits. We describe in detail about the system of the LWT including hardwares and softwares, the characteristics of the camera such as gain, readout noise, dark current and linearity, the quality of site including sky background brightness and limiting magnitudes for extit{B} and extit{V} bands, the design of automatic operation ranging from observation to analysis, sending the astrometric observation report of the recovered NEOs to the MPC, and the future plan for upgrading the system or expanding research interests to other areas of time-domain astronomy.en_US
DC.subjectLulin Observatoryen_US
DC.subjectLulin Widefield Telescope (LWT)en_US
DC.subjectNear-Earth Objects (NEOs)en_US
DC.subjectSystem testingen_US
DC.subjectRobotic telescopeen_US
DC.title鹿林廣角望遠鏡 (LWT):追蹤近地天體的自動化望遠鏡zh_TW
DC.titleLulin Widefield Telescope (LWT): a Robotic Telescope for the Near-Earth Object Follow-up Observationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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