博碩士論文 105327601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorToko Sugihartoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究為了客觀評估中風病患之步態參數,進而發展無線慣性穿戴裝置。研究中使用四顆慣性量測單元(IMU)及藍芽傳輸模組達成訊號之擷取與傳送,並以Madgwick演算法估測每個IMU的歐拉角(Eular angle)。為了驗證歐拉角之估測演算法正確性,故採用開發4-IMU量測裝置重建手臂機器人ABB IRB120的動作軌跡,與所設定軌跡比較驗證。 每個IMU的歐拉角,用來計算穿戴者的步態參數。四顆IMU分別置於穿戴者的後骨盆處、大腿外側、小腿外側及腳背處。步態參數包含步態速度(m/min)、步態頻率(step/min)、步幅、股盆關節旋轉量、臂部、膝蓋及腳踝處之屈角度、臂部及大腿之內旋量、腳之內彎角度、腳之內翻外翻程度、步態之擺動幅度角等,這些參數都是評估中風病患行走能力重要的指標。為了驗證步態參數之正確性,將健康人的6公尺步行測試步態參數與研究結果進行比較。 在研究中,此裝置已使用於四名中風患者,收集每名患者6公尺步行測試下肢之慣性數據。實驗因病患為期60到120天,間隔至少兩週進行一次實驗。實驗結果呈現病患行走能力的客觀參數顯示於這段時間的進步變化。研究中個別病患亦進行Brunnstrom stage主觀評估。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is developing a wireless inertial sensing system for objectively assessing gait parameters of stroke patients. In this study, we employ four inertial measurement units (IMU) and Bluetooth wireless transmission module to acquire IMU signals wirelessly. Then, we used Madgwick′s algorithm to estimate Euler angle of each IMU. As the verification of Euler angle estimation algorithm, we employ developed devices to reconstruct trajectory motions of arm robot ABB IRB120 and comparing IMU’s trajectory with the robot’s trajectory. After obtaining the Euler angle of each IMU device, the Euler angle was used to calculate gait parameters. Four IMUs were installed at the lower limb organ, those are back pelvic, outside thigh, outside calf, and on the feet. Parameters that could be calculated are gait speed (m/min), cadence (step/min), step length, pelvic rotation, flexion angle of hip, knee, and ankle, internal rotation of hip and leg, foot progression angle, over-pronation and percentage of stance/swing phase. These parameters are important enough to assess the improvement of stroke patients. As the verification of gait parameters calculation, we calculated gait parameters of healthy people and comparing the results with the others study. In the experiment, this system was used to monitor 4 stroke patients. Every patient has collected his lower limb inertial data at least 2 months with intervals at least 2 weeks. The results showed the walking ability of the patients and improvement of patients during the range time of data collection. To verify the objective results of parameters estimation from this research, we verified the results with the subjective assessment (Brunnstrom stage) from the clinic. A patient who had higher Brunnstrom stage score had a walking ability more than others objectively from the estimated parameters.en_US
DC.subjectwireless inertial sensing systemen_US
DC.subjectEuler angleen_US
DC.subjecttrajectory reconstructionen_US
DC.subjectgait parametersen_US
DC.titleWireless-IMU Based Gait Parameters Characterization for Objectively Assessing Stroke Patients Disabilityzh_TW
DC.titleWireless-IMU Based Gait Parameters Characterization for Objectively Assessing Stroke Patients Disabilityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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