博碩士論文 105352027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Wei Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,大型百貨商場蓬勃發展,消費型態轉型為快速、追求高品質及多元化之消費特性,百貨商場進而發展出多元之經營模式。各式嶄新聚客活動不斷推陳出新及活動檔期集中消費行為成為當今之主要趨勢,百貨商場之新興職業風險呈現多樣化及不可預期性。百貨商場大多數工作者位於開放式商場工作,職場安全衛生事項及公共安全衛生彼此重疊性高,除消費者等不特定人士外,場所內工作者亦同時曝露於風險之中,為有效降低災害風險,職場安全衛生之規劃須同步評估公共安全衛生及都市防災措施,並導入系統化之職業安全衛生管理,以標準化、科學化來建立新時代之零售業防災體系。   因此本研究藉由大型百貨商場導入職業安全衛生管理,來推動職場防災系統化,進行相關防範與緊急應變措施,提昇職業安全衛生、風險管理及自主管理的責任,落實PDCA之循環系統,同時運用品質管理技術、物業管理系統來提昇防災技術品質,於災害源頭及過程進行防災措施,並輔以智慧型中央監控中心,建立遠端監控平台,減少人為之失誤,有效降低各類災害風險,望藉由本研究探討百貨零售業安全衛生管 理之現況及未來發展,依據研究結果擬定相關制度與問題改善對策,以提供政府相關部門及百貨零售業界之參考,以建立更完善之職場防災制度,提昇百貨業主及工作者對於職業安全衛生的認知與保障。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe mushrooming of shopping malls over the years has triggered a rapid change in the consumption pattern of consumers who crave a high quality and diversified mode of consumption. Likewise, the shopping mall also tends to exhibit a wide array of business operations. The ceaseless launch of customer attractions has caused consumption behavior to converge at the time of promotions. Accordingly, a new breed of occupational risk that manifests in diversified patterns in the workplace has also derived beyond our anticipation. Most employees of shopping malls work in open spaces, causing public health and safety to overlap with each other. In addition to consumers and other nonspecific persons, employees in the workplace are also exposed to risks. For the effective reduction of risks and prevention of disasters, the planning of public health and safety in the workplace is dictated for the simultaneous assessment of public health and disaster prevention policies in urban areas with the introduction of a systematic occupational health and safety management system. A standardized and scientific system for the prevention of disasters in the retail industry should be established. This study will be focused on the advocacy of the systematic prevention of disasters in the workplace through the introduction of occupational safety and health management in shopping malls for safety and response to emergency. This will be necessary for the enhancement of occupational safety and health, risk management and self-regulatory management responsibility so as to materialize the PDCA cycle. In addition, a technique for quality management will also be introduced to upgrade the quality of disaster prevention and take prevention measures to eliminate the sources of disasters and the prevention procedure. This will be reinforced by a smart central control center to establish a remote monitoring platform to reduce possible human error for the effective reduction of different risks. This study is an attempt to probe the state of occupational safety and health in the department store retail industry and its development in the future. The findings from this study are expected to serve as a reference for related governmental agencies and the private sector in the institution of related systems and solutions for related problems so as to perfect the system for the prevention of disasters in the workplace with the eventual upgrade of the knowledge and protection of the employees for occupational safety and health. en_US
DC.subjectShopping Mallen_US
DC.subjectRetailing Industryen_US
DC.subjectWorkplace Safetyen_US
DC.subjectOccupational Safety and Health Managementen_US
DC.titleProbe into Occupational Health and Safety Management in Large Department Storesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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