博碩士論文 105355004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Jen Paien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the past, the construction of Taipower’s Thermal Power Plant (TPP) project was carried out by the traditional procurement method (Design-Bid-Build). With the needs of the times, the scale of the TPP project has been increasingly expanded and complicated, and the disadvantages of the traditional procurement method have emerged. At present, the procurement of the main generating equipment of the new generator set and the environmental protection improvement equipment of existing generator set of Taipower’s TPP project are mostly executed through the turnkey contract (Design/Build, D/B) method that contains property procurement and installation works. However, there are still some facility construction or mechanical/electrical equipment in the whole power development project plan, which will be contracted out by Taipower Corporation in traditional procurement ways. Since the construction of TPP must be coordinated with power source cabling work and heavy equipment of the power plant, it takes quite a long time from manufacturing to delivery, of which planning, design and financing are usually started as early as possible. However, it has been found that project schedules (from beginning till completion) of TPP construction projects in the past are usually delayed due to various factors, which result in actual completion schedules far away from the original schedules. Therefore, it is vital for the power source development project plan to find out the schedule delay factors for the TPP construction project, and then to carry out prevention and improvement works. In this study, through literature review, the analysis on past cases and practical experience, the factors affecting the schedule of the TPP project in all stages of the life cycle have been summarized. The identified 24 factors are classified into 7 categories. In addition, this study also analyzes and identifies the most important factors that affecting project schedules, which are “project progress control measures,” “design quality, coordination and integration,” and “construction quality control.” Those are major work defects for TPP project schdules. Comparing with other D/B contract projects, such as substation projects, construction projects, light rail projects, etc., this study also finds that the construction of Taipower’s TPP project shared differences and commons with from other types pf projects in terms of influencing factors. This study concludes that the construction of Taipower’s TPP project must be subject to additional management in order to make the project schedule well controlled. This study finally proposes various preventive measures and post-event solutions for insufficient schedule management works, which can be used as a reference for improving the schedule quality and reducing the risk of schedule slippage of TPP construction plan in the futureen_US
DC.subjectthermal power plant constructionen_US
DC.subjectturnkey projecten_US
DC.subjectschedule delayen_US
DC.subjectplanning and designen_US
DC.subjectconstruction stageen_US
DC.title火力發電廠工程進度落後原因 與因應作為之研究zh_TW
DC.titleA Study on Identifying Causes of Schedule Delay for Thermal Power Plant Projects and Related Prevention Worksen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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